

2015-07-09    01'04''

主播: 财新金融英语

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A supplier of electrical parts to Samsung Electronics Co. reached an agreement with laid off workers at the factory after workers discovered the company went bankrupt. On June 25, more than 100 workers protested outside the factory to ask for compensation plans. One day before the demonstration, the factory told its employees it had no new orders. The factory’s parent company is BKE&T, a subsidiary of Bokwang, a part-maker for Samsung, which filed for bankruptcy before June 20, according to the head of the factory’s union. Workers said the factory, which makes displays and video cards, has seen orders from Samsung slide since March. In 2014, the factory employed some 1,000 workers but by last month total employees numbered at around 600. Labor officials collected the payout money, calculated by the number of years each worker spent at the factory. In an official statement, Samsung said the closing of the factory had nothing to do with the company’s performance. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. “几天的时间,公司就乱成了一团。” 普光电子技术(苏州)有限公司(下称“普光电子”)的员工李先生没有想到自己会突然失去工作。    位于苏州市吴江经济开发区库浜路16号的普光电子,是三星集团的一级代工厂,也是三星最大代工厂,主要产品是三星薄膜晶体管液晶显示器以及电脑显示器主板,这些产品应用于三星的电视和摄影器材。    6月24号,公司贴出来一纸“放假”通知:“因为没有订单,目前没有生产计划,公司总经理在韩国确认订单,放假11天,7月6日上班。”    “联想到之前,6月中旬开始,公司的韩籍法人突然不见了,到6月15日公司韩籍财务部长也回到韩国,并且明确表示不再回中国,我们才意识到公司高管‘跑路’了。”普光公司的员工代表申先生说到,放假通知贴出之后,普光电子厂陷入了混乱。 百余名员工从6月25日开始在工厂聚集维权。7月1日,在吴江工业园区劳动局的斡旋下,三星已同意将拖欠普光苏州的货款打到劳动局账户,作为辞退员工的经济补偿。目前,风波已基本平息。 目前还不知道三星为何突然减少和取消了普光电子的订单。不过,这家全球领先的手机、电视和面板生产企业近两年来正遇到越来越大的麻烦。三星电子今天公布的2015年第二季度业绩,运营利润约为61.3亿美元,低于预期,较去年同期下降了4%。 三星方面则回复财新记者称一家代工厂的破产并不能代表三星的状况,三星90%的零部件是自己生产。 * * * 特别声明:财新金融英语由财新传媒出品。所刊载内容之知识产权为财新传媒及/或相关权利人专属所有或持有。未经许可,禁止进行转载、摘编、复制及建立镜像等任何使用。