

2015-07-08    01'38''

主播: 财新金融英语

1077 84

China has nominated, Jin Liqun, the leader of a panel that laid the foundation for the development bank, to head the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The nomination, which occurred just one week after the bank’s articles of agreement were signed on June 26, did not surprise many. In his position as secretary general of the forum that originally planned the AIIB, he gained a reputation for solving problems, and was even able to convince several Western countries to support the formation of the development bank, according to sources at the World Bank and the Asia Development Bank. In addition, he also served as the vice president of the Asia Development Bank in 2003. David Dollar, the former director for China and Mongolia at the World Bank, said that since China is the biggest stakeholder in the AIIB, it makes sense that a Chinese national such as Jin should serve as the first head of the bank. Beijing has agreed to contribute US$ 29.7 billion to the bank in exchange for 26% of the voting rights, allowing China veto power over major decisions. The AIIB was designed with the intent to back infrastructure building in Asia, and is set to open later on this year. The founding members will have until the end of July to nominate candidates for president, culminating in a short list that will be finalized at a negotiators’ meeting in August. Finally, the AIIB board of governors will choose a president at their first meeting. 亚投行“基本大法”,即《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》,出台不久后,中国政府于7月6日宣布,提名金立群担任亚投行候任行长。 金立群目前担任亚投行筹建多边临时秘书处秘书长,此前曾担任中国财政部副部长、亚洲开发银行第一副行长、中国投资有限责任公司监事长、中国国际金融有限公司董事长等要职,财政部官网称,他具有在政府部门、国际机构和私营部门丰富的领导和管理经验。 其职业生涯中重要的一笔是,2003年,金立群竞选亚洲开发银行副行长一职并胜出,成为亚行历史上第一位中国籍副行长,并于2006年获得连任。据悉,在亚行供职期间,金立群每天早上7点多进办公室。 自亚投行筹建迄今,财新记者采访的多位国内外人士(包括世行和亚行相关人士)多看好由中国人出任亚投行首任行长,其中又尤其看好金立群,因为他具有国际多边金融机构相关经验且英文流利。 “我预计第一任行长是中国人,这也很恰当,鉴于中国是最大的股东。” 美国布鲁金斯学会约翰·桑顿中国中心研究员、前世界银行驻华首席代表杜大伟(David Dollar)曾向财新记者表示。 此前,6月29日上午,人民大会堂,《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》(以下简称《协定》)签署仪式举行,300多人参加,57个意向创始成员国均派代表出席,其中50国正式签署。历经多轮谈判代表会议,亚投行“基本大法”终面世,未来银行将按照这套规则运作。当日下午,亚投行特别财长会亦在京举行,楼继伟主持,57国代表及此前一直担任亚投行筹建多边临时秘书处秘书长的金立群等出席,这次特别会上通过了亚投行候任行长遴选程序、吸收新成员和亚投行初始资金安排。 正是根据上述通过的遴选程序,中国政府正式提名金立群为亚投行候任行长中方候选人。 财政部称,根据6月29日通过的候任行长遴选程序,意向创始成员国须在2015年7月31日前提名候选人,之后将在2015年8月下旬举行的第六次首席谈判代表会议上确定候任行长人选。亚投行正式成立后,将在首次理事会上根据《亚投行协定》有关规定,将候任行长选举为行长。