

2018-03-30    10'51''

主播: J+J

78 1

April Fool’s Day 愚人节 play jokes 开玩笑 prank 恶作剧 pull a prank on someone 整人 My co-worker pulled a prank on me today. 同事今天戏弄我了。 practical jokes 行为上的恶作剧 恶作剧形式: 1. Common prank Your shoe’s untied. 你没系鞋带。 2. In school Telling their classmates that today is no class. 告诉同学今天没课。 Setting a roommate’s alarm an hour back. 把室友的闹钟往前调一小时。 3. Food Slap a cream pie on someone’s face. 往脸上抹奶油。 Add some mustard in the water. 在饮料里加芥末。 4. Toys Give someone a gift which has fake snakes or spiders inside the box. 送人一个礼品盒,里面装着假的蛇或蜘蛛。 5. Calls Call a zoo or an aquarium and they ask for Mr. Fish or Miss Lion. 给动物园或者水族馆打电话找鱼先生或狮子女士。 6. Media A British short film once shown on April Fool’s Day was a fairly detailed documentary about “spaghetti farmers” and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. 愚人节曾上映过一部英国纪录片“意大利面农民”,以及他们如何从意大利面 树上丰收。 7. Corporations Google had a spiritual nose test. 谷歌公司曾愚弄客户做鼻子测试。 8. President The president usually releases a funny video in White House. 美国白宫通常在愚人节发布一段总统的搞笑视频。 如果你的prank成功了,你可以说: Gotcha 整到你了(从“got you”演变而来) April fool 四月傻瓜 Don&`&t fall for April Fools&`& pranks. 愚人节别上当。 Be on your guard on April 1st. 愚人节提高警惕。