

2018-03-23    09'19''

主播: J+J

61 1

与green相关的俚语 1.green-eyed 嫉妒、眼红 green with envy 嫉妒 E.g. She was green with envy when her cousin’s boyfriend proposed. 当她表妹被男朋友求婚时,她很嫉妒。 E.g. I was green with envy when I heard my husband was going to Paris. 当我知道我老公要去巴黎的时候,我很嫉妒。 2.greenback 美元 E.g. How much does it cost? Ten greenbacks. Let’s go for it! 这个多少钱?十美元,买了吧! 3.表示“没有经验、缺乏训练” E.g. He’s still green. He doesn’t know how we operate around here. 他是新手,还不知道我们这儿怎么操作。 E.g. I can’t believe she doesn’t know how to run the cash register. She’s so green. 我不敢相信她竟不知道怎么使用收银机,也太没经验了。 the green years 青春年华 E.g. Her memory is impeccable. She’s still in her green years. Not like me, I forget what I ate for lunch yesterday. 她的记忆力超好,她还年轻。不像我,连昨天中午吃了什么都忘了。 4. green thumb 有园艺才能 E.g. She has such a green thumb. Everything she touches grows. 她很擅长园艺,她碰过的东西都长得很好。 E.g. I don’t know where my son gets his green thumb. I’ve killed every plant I’ve owned. 我不知道我儿子还有园艺才能,我却糟蹋了我的所有植物。 5. green light 表示“允许、许可、开绿灯” E.g. We’ve got the green light. Let’s get started. 我们得到了许可,那就开始行动吧。 E.g. My boss gave me the green light to start my new project. 我的老板给我开了绿灯去开始新项目。 6. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 这山望着那山高。 E.g. When I lived in Canada, I wanted to see more of the world. Now that I live in China, I miss my family. The grass is always greener on the other side. 当我住在加拿大的时候,我想去外面的世界。现在我住在中国,我又想念我的家人。真是邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好啊。 E.g. I couldn’t wait to buy this coat, but now that I have it, my friend has an even nicer one. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. 我之前迫不及待地想买这件外套,但现在我有了,我的朋友却有了一件更好的,真是这山望着那山高。 7. green belt 绿化带 E.g. So nice to drive by this green belt. It’s a welcome change after being in the city all week. 沿着这个绿化带开车感觉太好了。在整个城市待了一周,看到了可喜的变化。 8. green space 绿地 E.g. Kunming has so much green space. It cheers me up. 昆明有如此多的绿地,让我精神振奋。 E.g. This city is so smoky and dark, even the green spaces are covered in a layer of dirt. 这个城市烟雾弥漫,漆黑一片,连绿地都被一层尘土覆盖着。 9. going green 环保意识 E.g. I sold my car and I’m replacing it with a bike. I’m going green. 我卖掉了我的汽车,换了一辆自行车,我要环保。 E.g. Everyone is going green these days. 最近每个人的环保意识都增强了。