

2018-03-16    09'07''

主播: J+J

51 0

1. Love me love my dog. 爱屋及乌 E.g. Leslie agreed to marry Paul, even through he had terrible manners. Later when she tried to tell him to act properly, he replied, “Love me, love my dog.” Leslie答应嫁给Paul了,尽管他习惯很差。后来当她劝他尽量行为得体的时候,他说“爱屋及乌”。    2. rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 E.g. It’s raining cats and dogs. 雨下的很大。 3. sick as a dog 病成狗了 E.g. You’re sick as a dog. You need to go to the hospital. 你都病成这样了,得赶快去医院。 4. work like a dog 忙成狗了 E.g. You work like a dog. You need a rest. 你工作也太拼了,得好好休息休息了。 E.g. I feel for my neighbor. She works like a dog to feed those kids. 我觉得我邻居为了养孩子忙得不可开交。 5. dog tired 累成狗了 E.g. You’ve been returning home dog tired these days. 你这一久回家的时候都累的不行。 6. a lazy dog 懒汉 E.g. It’s noon, time to get out of bed you lazy dog. 都中午了,你这个懒虫该起床了。 7. lucky dog 幸运儿 E.g.You won the lottery, you lucky dog. 你太幸运了,赢得了彩票。 8. doggie bag 打包盒 E.g. You barely touched your meal. You should ask for a doggie bag to take the rest home. 饭菜都没怎么动,你应该要一个打包盒把它们带回家。 9. lead a dog’s life 过穷困潦倒的日子 E.g. He’s been leading a dog’s life since he lost his job. 他失业之后就过着穷困潦倒的日子。 10. Every dog has its day. 风水轮流转。 E.g. I know you’re surprised that she beat you in the race, but every dog has its day. 我知道你很惊讶她竟然在比赛中赢了你,但是风水轮流转嘛。 11. dog-days 三伏天, 大热天 12. His bark is worse than his bite. 刀子嘴,豆腐心 E.g. I know our boss’s words shook you up, but don’t worry. His bark is worse than his bite. 我知道你上司的话让你很难接受,但是别担心,他就是刀子嘴豆腐心。