

2016-05-26    15'36''

主播: 爱维教育

541 33

一、听力测试(共25小题:每小题1分,满分25分) (一)听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子读两遍。 1.A. Sure, hold on, please. B. You're welcome. C. OK, see you. 答案:A 解析:听力材料Hello. This is Sally speaking. Could I speak to Mike,please? 2.A. Here you are. B. Yes, tea, please. C. Nice to meet you. 答案:B 解析:听力材料Would you like something to drink? 3.A. No, I won’t. B. No, I don't. C. No, I'm not. 答案:A 解析:听力材料You'd better not tell others about that. 4.A. I don't think so. B. It's very hot. C. Sorry, I'm new here. 答案:C 解析:听力材料Excuse me,could you tell me the way to Fuhua Hotel? 5.A. I know that. B. Thank you. C. My pleasure. 答案:B 解析:听力材料You look young and pretty. (二)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片,每个句子读两遍。 6. 7. 8. 6.答案:B 解析:听力材料Daming and his sister are watching a football match on TV and they even forgot to eat. 7.答案:C 解析:听力材料Lingling’s aunt who works in a clothes shop is friendly to every customer. 8.答案:A 解析:听力材料Mary is having a discussion with her friends about the festival. (三)听短对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话和问题读两遍。 9. What's the weather like now? A. It's sunny. B. It's cloudy. C. It’s rainy. 答案:C 解析:听力材料 W: Oh,dear. It started raining again. M: What weather! It was fine when I went out a moment ago. Q: What's the weather like now? 题中问的是“现在天气怎么样”,由录音中女士所说的It started raining again.可知,选C。 10. What is Betty probably doing now? A. She's playing the piano. B. She's staying at home. C. She's playing tennis. 答案:A 解析:听力材料 M: Hello,Mrs Green. Is Betty at home? I want to invite her to play tennis with me. W: Sorry. She has gone to Miss King’s to have piano lessons. M: OK. Next time,then. Q: What is Betty probably doing now? 题目问的是“现在贝蒂可能在做什么”,因此注意听她正在做的事。由录音中女士所说的She has gone to Miss King’s to have piano lessons.可知,她可能在弹钢琴。 11. Where is the man's mobile phone? A. It's in the bag. B. It's on the desk. C. It's under the chair. 答案:C 解析:听力材料 M: Mom, I can’t find my mobile phone. W: Is it in your bedroom? Maybe it's on your desk. You often put it there. M: Let me see. Ah,it’s here under the chair. But how did it get there? Q: Where is the man's mobile phone? 题目问的是“手机在哪儿”,由录音中男士所说的Let me see. Ah,it’s here under the chair.可知,手机在椅子下面。 12. How does the girl go to school today? A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. 答案:B 解析:听力材料 W: Dad,Could you drive me to school today? M: Can’t you ride a bike? You don't exercise enough. W: But dad,you see, the air is so dirty. M: OK,dear. Let's go. Q: How does the girl go to school today? 题目问的是“今天女孩怎样去上学”,录音中女士所说的Dad,Could you drive me to school today?最终得到男士的肯定回答OK,dear. Let's go.,因此这个女孩今天坐汽车上学。 13. What doesn't the girl like in the photo? A. The shoes. B. The dress. C. The hair. 答案:A 解析:听力材料 W: Look at this photo of me at the Leavers' Party. I hate it. M: Why? Your dress looks beautiful. And your hair is also nice. W: But the shoes. They are ugly. Q: What doesn’t the girl like in the photo? 对话中的照片中出现了三件事物,听音时一定注意题目询问“女孩不喜欢照片中的什么”,由女士所说But the shoes. They are ugly.可知,选A。 14. What are they going to have for dinner? A. Tomatoes. B. Noodles. C. Beef. 答案:B 解析:听力材料 W: What would you like for dinner, David? M: Anything is OK except tomatoes. W: Well,how about some beef? But I don't know how to cook beef. Can you cook for us? M: Oh, I’m busy, you know. Let's have noodles instead. Q: What are they going to have for dinner? 本题对话中出现了tomatoes,beef,noodles三种食物,由录音中男士所说Let's have noodles instead.可知,选B。 (四)听长对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话和问题读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第15、16、17小题。 15. What are they talking about? A. A fishing trip. B. Where to fish. C. How to fish. 16. How many fish did Tony's father catch? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Twelve. 17. How is Tony's fish? A. The most. B. The biggest. C. The nicest. 解析:听力材料 W: Hi,Tony. How was your weekend? M: Great! I went fishing near a village. W: Fishing? Sounds fun. M: Yes. You spend hours waiting and then suddenly a fish comes on your line. How exciting! W: Did you go fishing alone? M; No, my family went together. We had a fishing competition. W: That’s interesting. What’s the result? M: My father caught the most, 12 fish in a day! W: Wow! M: But my elder brother caught the biggest. It’s nearly 2 kilos. W: What about you? M: I caught only one. But mom says it’s the nicest. Qs:15. What are they talking about? 16. How many fish did Tony’s father catch? 17. How is Tony’s fish? 这是托尼向朋友讲述自己一家人周末钓鱼比赛的一段对话。父亲钓的鱼最多,哥哥钓的鱼最大,自己虽然只钓了一条鱼,但妈妈说是最好的。听音时应有重点的听取题目中的相关信息。 15. A该题问的是“他们谈论什么?”,由录音中的How was your weekend?和We had a fishing competition. 可知,本题选A。 16. C该题问的是“托尼的父亲钓了多少鱼?”,由录音中My father caught the most, 12 fish in a day!可知,本题选C。 17. C 该题问的是“托尼钓的鱼怎么样?”,由录音中I caught only one. But mom says it’s the nicest.可知,本题选C。 听第二段对话,回答第18、19、20小题。 18. Who are they? A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Mother and son. 19. What’s wrong with the boy? A. He has got a headache. B. He has got a fever.[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K] C. He has got a cold. 20. What's the advice for the boy? A. Working harder. B. Taking some medicine. C. Making a good plan for study and life. 解析:听力材料 M: Excuse me,may I come in? W: Come in,please. What’s up?[来源:学科网] M: I’m not feeling well. Can I ask for a l eave? W: Oh,what’s wrong with you? M: I have got a headache and I can’t even keep my eyes open in class. W: Have you got a cold or a fever? M: No. I just feel awful. W: What happened last night? M: I went over my lessons for the coming exam till midnight. Then I couldn’t fall asleep. W: I see. You are a hard-working boy! But you should make a good plan for your study and life. Well,you can go home and have a good rest.See you tomorrow. M: Thank you. Bye. Qs:18. Who are they? 19. What’s wrong with the boy? 20. What’s the advice for the boy? 这是学生去办公室向老师请假的一段对话。老师询问学生请假的理由,学生向老师说明自己身体出现的问题后,老师给学生提出了建议。 18.A 该题问的是“他们是谁?”,选项中的关键词student可对应到录音中的I have got a headache and I can’t even keep my eyes open in class.,故本题选A。 19.A 该题问的是“这男孩怎么了?”,由录音中的I have got a headache and I can’t even keep my eyes open in class.可知,本题选A。 20.C 该题问的是“给男孩的建议是什么?”,由录音中的But you should make a good plan for your study and life.可知,本题选A。 (五)请听一段机场广播,根据所听内容完成信息卡。每空一词,广播读两遍。 (请将答案填写在答题卡相应位置) Airport Information Card Leaving Flight FA 1 is now boarding at Gate 6. Waiting Flight BA 958, leaving time changes from 10 am to 2 pm. Coffee, 3 and a lunch meal will be offered. Lost& Found Someone is looking for a 4handbag with a5on it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 解析:听力材料 Ladies and gentlemen,your attention,please. Flight FA 320 from Beijing to Sydney is now boarding. It will take off in 15 minutes. Passengers of Flight FA 320, please go through Gate 6 with your boarding cards as soon as possible. Flight BA 958 from Beijing to London was leaving at 10 this morning. However, we’re sorry to tell you it will be 5 hours late and take off at 3 in the afternoon. We apologize for that. We will offer coffee,fruit and a meal for lunch. Ms. Rowling lost a blue handbag with a bear on it. Anyone who finds it, please take it to Lost and Found Office. Thank you. 这是一段机场广播,播放了登机提醒、航班延误和失物招领三条信息。 1. 320 由题干和录音中的Flight FA 320 from Beijing to Sydney is now boarding.和Passengers of Flight FA 320, please go through Gate 6 with your boarding cards as soon as possible.可知,填320。 2. 3 由录音中Flight BA 958 from Beijing to London was leaving at 10 this morning. However, we’re sorry to tell you it will be 5 hours late and take off at 3 in the afternoon.(上午10点从北京到伦敦的BA 958次航班,5小时后在下午3点起飞,对此我们深表歉意)可知,起飞时间由10 am改为3 pm。 3. fruit 由录音中We will offer coffee, fruit and a meal for lunch.(我们将提供咖啡,水果和午饭)可知,填fruit。 4. blue 由录音中Ms. Rowling lost a blue handbag with a bear on it.(罗琳女士丢失了一个上面带有小熊的蓝色手提包)可知,填blue。 5. bear同上