

2015-07-01    01'26''

主播: 财新金融英语

1760 78

Admissions offices of China’s top two universities sparred on social networking on allegations of questionable practices in recruitment for top students. A flare-up between Peking University and Tsinghua University occurred just as high school graduates are receiving their results for the national university entrance exams, known as the “gaokao.” In Sichuan, a Peking University admissions office in the southwestern province posted a message on China’s version of Twitter called Sina Weibo, that officials from an unnamed university were calling top-scoring students who had chosen PKU, telling them that PKU would not let them choose their own majors. The PKU admissions office in Sichuan added that the unnamed university should not harass students applying to PKU. Tsinghua University’s provincial admissions office then wrote in response: "Starting yesterday morning, you started harassing students who have already decided to apply to Tsinghua and offered them lots of money." The posts, and subsequent allegations lobbed by both sides on giving money to lure high-scoring gaokao test-takers, were deleted. The gaokao scores remain largely the sole standard for admissions offices, and Xiong Bingqi, deputy director of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, said universities continue to place too much focus only on the gaokao scores of students. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 6月28日,北大清华四川招生组为了抢夺高分生源在微博上“互掐”,互相指责对方在当地招生中通过欺骗、提前许诺考生专业、砸钱买考生等手段,争抢对方的高分生源,引起网友围观。6月28日中午,双方均删除了骂战微博,两校官方亦分别发声表示反对招生中的不文明行为,重申招生纪律。 名校通过提前查分报喜、提前许诺专业、给予奖学金等优惠条件,甚至派专人贴身跟踪、派专车接送等手段争抢高考状元、高分考生的新闻,近几年一直屡见不鲜。名校高招大战当中,抢生源手段历年来也不断翻新,互黑互掐不断升级。 21世纪教育研究院副院长熊丙奇指出,名校抢生源现象是现在“唯分数论”的高考制度产物。 在当前的高考制度下,高校招生的程序是,由国家统一组织高考,统一填志愿、投档,然后按照分数由高到低录取考生。“因为高考分数是大学录取考生唯一的指标,因此无论考生、高校还是社会,都不可能不关注高分考生、高考状元。”熊丙奇指出。 他表示,在“唯分数论”的录取评价体系下,社会舆论也相应会把名校录取状元的人数和大学录取分数线高低,作为衡量大学好坏的标准。甚至很多社会机构在对大学进行排名时也以此作为参考指标。在这样的压力下,大学为了招生的“政绩”,就会下指标给招生负责人,争取招到更多状元和高分生源。相应地,招生人员也会通过种种录取优惠条件和承诺来抢夺高分考生。