The greatest gift

The greatest gift

2018-02-12    00'47''

主播: 流年の

18 0

A successful attorney tells of the greatest gift he lever received.One Christmas morning when I was very young,my father gave me a small box with a note inside saying,"Son,I will give you a minlmum of 365 hours of my time this year,one hour after dinner every's yours.We'll talk about whatever you want to talk about and do whatever you want to do."He not only kept this promise, but he renewed it every year until I was grown and left home.It is the greatest gift I have ever received,and I am what I am today because of it. 一个成功的律师讲述了他自己收到过的最棒的礼物。在我很小的时候,一个圣诞节的早晨,我的父亲给了我一个小盒子,里面有一张纸条,“儿子,我一年的时间里,会至少给你365个小时,每天晚饭后的一小时,是给你的。我们可以谈论你想谈论的任何事情,也可以做你想做的任何事情。”我的父亲不仅遵守了诺言,而且每年都会依然继续,直到我长大了离开家。这是我收到过的最棒的礼物,也是我能有今日成就的主要原因。