

2018-02-09    01'00''

主播: 流年の

15 0

Under a perfect Florida blue sky,yet another of billionalre Elon Musk's dreams roared to life today.The SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket with 27 engines thundering off the same launch pad that for decades sent Apollo and shuttle missions into space.This time,an unmanned mission to prove three rockets tied together could work in perfect synchrony,break the earth's gravitational pull and head for a journey into deep space.SpaceX Mission Control near Los Angeles,euphoria.And in a stroke of engineering genius,this,two of the three rockets returned safely to earth for reuse,sending off sonic booms as they broke to the atmosphere and hit their targets side by side. 在完美的佛罗里达蓝天下,亿万富翁伊隆·马斯克的又一个梦想呼啸着诞生了。装有27个引擎的SpaceX公司的“重型猎鹰”运载火箭从发射台上震升空,这个发射台在过去几十年中见证了阿波罗号以及其他的航天飞机任务。这一次无人飞行任务是为了验证三架火箭绑在一起可以完美的同步运行,打破地球的重力,前往宇宙的深处。在洛杉矶附近的SpaceX控制中心,一片沸腾。在一系列天才般的运作中,看,三架火箭中的两架安全地返回了地球,可以被再次利用。当火箭突破大气层时,发出巨大的音爆,最终整齐地并排降落在目的地。
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下一期: The greatest gift