

2017-05-27    12'06''

主播: J+J

160 10

中国人最熟悉的厕所叫法是W.C.,为什么外国人听不懂呢? w.c.=water closet This is an older phrase and it was used in Britain. We don't use it in North America. 过去英国人用的,在美国几乎没有人使用。    上厕所有哪些用法呢? 1. polite way: a. washroom、restroom、toilet 男女厕均可 eg: Can I use your washroom? eg: Where is the restroom? b. men's room 男厕;ladies' room/ powder room 女厕 2. formal way: lavatory 一般在机场使用 3. with friends: a. pee 一般指小孩子撒尿 eg: I really need to pee. eg: I need to go potty. pee my pants 尿裤子 pee the bed 尿床 I can't hold it. 我憋不住了。 b. number 1, number 2 number 1 =pee, number 2=poo 小孩子撒尿尿是pee,拉粑粑叫poo。 eg: I need to go poo-poo. eg: I need to do a number one/ two. c. take a leak eg: I need to take a leak. eg: Can we stop at the next gas station? I need to take a leak. 4. 不常见用法: a. john It's also a slang for toilet. 是俚语用法。 b. port-a-potty for a portable toilet 可以移动的公厕 c. loo 英式英语 d. latrine This is a type of outhouse, usually used at a camp or army barracks. 户外厕所,一般在营地或军人的营房外。 5. 医院用法: a. urine sample 尿检 eg: I need a urine sample/ test. b. bowel movements 大便 eg: Are you having regular bowel movements? stool test 粪便测试 c. to pass gas, to toot, fluff, or to fart d. burp 打嗝(短暂的) Babies need to burp after breastfeeding. e. hiccup 打嗝(持续不断的,不能控制的)