2. Goldilocks and the Three Bears

2. Goldilocks and the Three Bears

2017-03-03    04'13''

主播: Starinyou

71 1

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a curious girl named Goldilocks who lived at one end of the woods. At the other end of the woods lived 3 bears. One day the bears decided to go for a walk. Mama Bear: This porridge is still very hot. Let’s go for a walk and then we can eat our breakfast when we come back. Baby Bear: OK. Papa Bear: Good idea. Narrator: While the bear family went for their walk Goldilocks walked across the woods. She saw the bears’ house and went inside since the door wasn&`&t locked. Goldilocks: I&`&m hungry. I&`&ll try this big bowl of porridge. Narrator: But it was too hot. Goldilocks: I&`&ll try this medium bowl of porridge. Narrator: But it was too hot also. Goldilocks: I&`&ll try this little bowl of porridge. Narrator: This one is just right. Narrator: Goldilocks ate up all of Baby Bear’s porridge. Then she looked for a place to sit. First she tried Papa Bear’s chair. Goldilocks: This chair is too hard. Narrator: Next she tried Mama Bear’s chair. Goldilocks: This chair is too soft. Narrator: Next she tried Baby Bear&`&s chair. Goldilocks: This chair is just right–oh no. Narrator: As Goldilocks sat down the chair broke into pieces. Goldilocks was tired so she went upstairs to find a bed. First she tried Papa Bear&`&s bed. Goldilocks: This bed is too long. Narrator: Next she tried Mama Bear&`&s bed. Goldilocks: This bed is too lumpy. Narrator: Next she tried Baby Bear&`&s bed. Goldilocks: This bed is perfect. ZZZZZZZ Narrator: Goldilocks fell asleep in Baby Bear’s bed. A few minutes later the bear family came home. Papa Bear saw his porridge and in a deep voice he said, Papa Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge. Narrator: In a medium voice Mama Bear said, Mama Bear: Someone&`&s been eating my porridge. Narrator: In a baby voice Baby Bear said, Baby Bear: WAAA.Someone ate all of my porridge. Narrator: Next the family looked at the chairs. Papa Bear: Someone&`&s been sitting in my chair. Mama Bear: Someone&`&s been sitting in my chair. Baby Bear: WAAAA.Someone broke my chair. Narrator: Next the family went upstairs. Papa Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed. Mama Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed. Baby Bear: WAAAA. Someone is still sleeping in my bed. Narrator: Suddenly Goldilocks woke up, saw the bears, screamed and ran down the stairs and out of the house. She never crossed the woods again. Papa Bear: Next time we go for a walk we should lock the door. Narrator: Mama Bear and Baby Bear nodded. Mama Bear made some more porridge and Papa Bear fixed Baby Bear’s chair. They never again had any strange visitors.
上一期: 60. The Crow and the Pitcher
下一期: 5. Cinderella