S11E07 Could We Start Again, Please?

S11E07 Could We Start Again, Please?

2015-03-08    01'30''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1179 193

They say life doesn’t give you second chances, but we do, surgeons do. You break a bone, we put it back together. You bleed, we make it stop. You flatline, we resuscitate you. But as much as we give people second chances, surgeons don’t usually get them. Because the kind of mistakes we make are sometimes impossible to recover from. 人们总说老天不会给人第二次机会,但是我们可以,外科医生可以做到。你摔断了骨头,我们可以帮忙接驳。你流血了,我们可以帮忙止血。你心跳停止了,我们可以帮你复苏。虽然我们常常赋予病人第二次机会,我们医生自己,却往往没有获得第二次机会。因为如果我们犯错有时候,便是无力回天。 It’s hard to give second chances. It’s even harder to ask for them. A chance to do it again, knowing what you know now, what you learned, a chance to do it completely differently, a chance to right or wrongs, to try and correct our mistakes. A chance to try and start over from scratch. 赋予第二次机会并不是易事。开口寻求第二次机会更是难上加难。这个第二次机会可以让你清楚认识你的所作所为,可以让你吸取教训,让你重新做出选择。这个机会可以让你弥补过错,可以让你想办法挽救一切。这个机会可以让我们重新开始。
上一期: S11E06 Don't Let's Start
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