S09E09 Run, Baby, Run

S09E09 Run, Baby, Run

2015-01-07    01'00''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

756 168

The adrenal system reacts to stress by releasing hormones that makes us alert and reactive, the problem is, the adrenal system can’t tell what’s regular case of nerves,and what’s a real impending disaster. 应对压力,肾上腺系统会释放荷尔蒙来让我们保持警觉,反应迅速,问题是,肾上腺系统无法判断何时是普通的紧张,何时是真正有问题。 The body doesn’t know the difference between nerves and excitement, panic and doubt,the beginning, and the end.The body just tells you to get the hell out. Sometimes you ignore it. That’s the reasonable thing to do. But sometimes you listen, you’re supposed to trust your gut,right? When your body says run,run. 人的身体分辨不出紧张与兴奋,恐慌和疑虑,开端,和结局。身体只会告诉你快逃,有时你忽视,这样做比较理性。但有时你服从,人应该相信直觉不是吗。身体告诉你快逃,逃吧。