S09E01 Going, Going, Gone

S09E01 Going, Going, Gone

2014-12-29    01'10''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

802 154

Dying changes everything, there's the emotional fall out. Sure, but there's also the practical stuff, who's going to do your job? Who's going to take care of your family? The only good thing for you is, you don't have to worry about it, people you never knew will be living in your house, working your job, the world just keeps on going, without you. 死亡会改变一切,当然会有情感上的失落,但也有实际的问题,谁来顶替你的工作?谁来照顾你的家人?唯一的好处就是你不用担心这事,你不认识的人会住进你的家,干着你的工作,世界依然运作,只是少了你。 They say death is hardest on the living, it's tough to actually say good-bye, sometimes it's impossible, you never really stop feeling the loss, it's what makes things so bitter sweet, we leave little bits of ourselves behind, little reminders a lifetime of memories, photos, trinkets, things to remember us by, even when we are gone. 对活着的人来说,生离死别是最难面对,再见最难说出口,有时候根本无法说出口,你永远都会觉得少了什么,一切都苦乐参半,我们在过去留下足迹,用来提醒我们一生的回忆,相片之类的,留下了用来记住我们的东西,就算人都已不在。
上一期: S08E24 Flight
下一期: S09E02 Remember the Time