The Game of GO♟围棋

The Game of GO♟围棋

2021-08-02    01'00''

主播: Vivian💗

189 0

1. Go has been played in China for thousands of years, but it wasn't until it was introduced to Japan 1,200 years ago that it achieved real popularity. You will need a game board, black and white stones, and two players. It is customary for the more experienced player to use white stones and for the player using black stones to move first. 2. Take turns placing black and white stones at vacant intersections. Try to place your stones adjacent to each other on the same vertical or horizontal line. The object of the game is to surround vacant areas, called points, on the board with your stones. You can also capture your opponent's stones by completely surrounding them. Stones remain in place unless captured. 3. Continue placing stones until neither you nor your opponent cancapture any more territory, or until you both agree that further play offers no additional advantages. One point is given for each vacant position within one's own territory,and one point for every stone captured. The player with the larger amount of territory plus captured stones wins. 围棋在中国已经有几千年的历史,但直到1200年前传入日本,它才真正流行起来。你需要一个棋盘,黑色棋子和白色棋子,以及两名棋手。按照惯例,更有经验的棋手执白子,而执黑子的棋手先下。 棋手轮流将黑白棋子下在空白交叉点上。尽量把棋子下在同一垂直或水平线上,彼此相邻。对弈的目标是用你的棋子包围棋盘上被称为“点”的空白区域。你也可以通过完全包围住对手的棋子来吃掉它们。除非被吃掉,否则棋子会留在原地。 双方一直下棋,直到你和对手都无法再占领更多的领地,或者直到你们双方都认为继续下棋不会带来更多的好处。自己的地盘上每空出一个点就得一分,每吃掉一颗棋子就得一分。拥有较大领地加上吃掉较多棋子的一方获胜。