

2020-06-23    01'04''

主播: 丹尼老师

290 3

Bearers’ Songs for the Former General of the Palace Guard III Lamenting, they bear him out Green Gate, new tomb-path, far off by the Jiang’s waters. People on the road shed tears like rain, Heaven’s mood, the howl[1] of gusting winds. The spirit of his cohorts[2] still is sharp, the temper of the Xiongnu cannot grow proud. We have no way to observe his heroic plans, the large tree rustles[3] in the wind every day. 单词释义 [1] howl [haʊl] v. 长嚎; 嗥叫; (因疼痛、愤怒、开心等) 大声叫喊; 怒号; 呼啸; [2] cohorts [ˈkəʊhɔːts] n. (有共同特点或举止类同的) 一群人,一批人; 同伙; 支持者; [3] rustle [ˈrʌsl] v. (使) 发出轻轻的摩擦声,发出沙沙声;