

2020-06-07    03'51''

主播: 丹尼老师

314 3

At the House of Escort Zheng, Banqueting in the Grotto[1] In the princess’s shadowy grotto, thin wisps of mist and fog, the summer mats that detain guests are of green serpentine[2]. Cups of spring ale thick and strong, their amber thin, bowls of icy liquid, emerald green, their agate[3] cold. I erred[4] supposing this thatched hall was past foothills on the river, no sooner did I get on its breezy stairs than I was buried in edges of cloud. Of course the tower of Qin lies close by Zheng’s valley. often one hears the sounds tinkling from her assorted pendants. 单词释义 [1] grotto [ˈɡrɒtəʊ] n. 洞穴; (尤指园林等中的) 人工洞穴; [2] serpentine [ˈsɜːpəntaɪn] adj. 弯弯曲曲的; 蜿蜒的; 盘旋的; n. [矿物] 蛇纹石; [3] agate [ˈæɡət] n. 玛瑙; [4] err [ɜː(r)] v. 犯错误; 做错事; 出差错;