

2017-05-26    13'29''

主播: Damon呆萌🌠

158 11

纠正发音文本 Hello, my name is xxx. I'm taking American Accent training. There's a lot to learn, but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible. I should pick up on the American intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time. I use the up and down, or peaks and valleys, intonation more than I used to. I've been paying attention to pitch, too . It's like walking down a staircase. I've been talking to a lot of Americans lately, and they tell me that I'm easier to understand. Anyway, I could go on and on, but the important thing is to listen well and sound good . Well, what do you think? Do l ? 提示: 此段落虽短,但是包含了各种美语发音技巧:重读(20处+)、略读(8处+)、连读(25处+)、添加(6处+)、弱化(5处+)、词群意群划分等等。你是不是觉得不可思议?仅仅一小段话却包含了这么多发音技巧???读到这里,大家也可以反思一下自己是如何练习发音的。 先自己练习。稍后听原声和讲解 纠正发音文本 Hello, my name is xxx. I'm taking American Accent training. There's a lot to learn, but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible. I should pick up on the y American intonation pattern pretty easily, although the y only way to get it is to practice all of the time. I use the y up and down, or peaks and valleys, intonation more than I used to. I've been paying attention to pitch, too . It's like walking down a staircase. I've been talking to w a lot of Americans lately, and they tell me that I'm easier to understand. Anyway, I could go on and on, but the y important thing is to listen well and sound good . Well, what do you think? Do w l ? 标识: 重读:加粗字体 H 略读:矩形框 H 连读:下划线 H 添加:上标 y 或 w 弱化:红色 do you 词群:根据音频划分 所以,你出现了多少发音问题?10分满分,你给自己打几分? 关注微信公众平台:美语奇葩说