

2015-12-23    08'23''

主播: 👄大嘴巴英语王絮🍁

987 17

L91-96 迁入新居 move to a new house 决定迁入 be going to move 想念朋友 miss friends 作预约 make appointments 开车回家 drive home 离开伦敦 leave London 出售旧车 used car for sale 看望新邻居 visit the new neighbors 搬到某处 move to +地点 搬进去 move in 搬进新房 move into a new house 搬出/走 move out/ away 代我向某人问好give sb. my regards/give my regards to sb. 还没有 not yet 请代我向你的家人致以最衷心的问候 give my best regards to your family 一个非常好的人 a very nice person 想念某人 miss sb. 明天晚上/夜里 tomorrow evening/night 后天 the day after tomorrow 后天晚上the day after tomorrow in the evening 飞往某地 fly to 返回某地 return to 动身去某地 leave for 离开某地去另一地 leave...for... 从某地回来 return/arrive from 从某地返回某地 return from...to 几乎每个国家 nearly every country 大下周/月/年 the week/month/year after next 在世界上 in the world 隔壁邻居 next-door neighbour 英国皇家空军 the R.A.F. 一个非常幸运的人 a very lucky man 往返票 return tickets 下列火车 the next train 二站台 Platform Two 过天桥 over the bridge 许多 a lot of / lots of / plenty of 大量的时间 plenty of time 许多鸡蛋 plenty of eggs 喝点东西 have a drink 最好做某事 had better do sth. 最好不要做某事 had better not do sth. 在隔壁 next door to 错过做某事 miss doing sth. 错过火车 miss the train 慢十分钟 ten minutes slowly 火车站旁的酒吧 a bar next door to the station 赶火车 catch the train 5 小时以后 in five hours' time 乘 8:19 的车去伦敦catch the eight nineteen toLondon 没赶上火车 miss catching the train 1 小时后 in an hour's time 2 月以后 in two months' time 1 年以后 in a year's time