

2016-12-22    01'55''

主播: Alice小巍

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欢迎加入到微信公众号:轻松练口语 今日表达: go easy on... 对某人宽容 对某人手下留情 含义可以根据情景随意翻~ 比如还可译成: 别太狠/照顾照顾某人 easy(adj.)容易的、从容的 ①You should go esay on the boy,he's still young. 你应该对这孩子宽容些,他还小呢! ②If the teacher wouldn't go easy on me, I will fail in the exam. 如果老师不手下留情,考试我肯定要挂了 ☟go easy on+food 少吃、吃喝... ③Go easy on the salt.It's bad for your blood pressure. 少吃点盐,对血压不好 今日美句: Many a little makes a mickle. 积少成多 晚上Alice就着下面这句话吃饭: --少吃点吧,要不又胖了! --Go easy on food, or I'll gain weight again! ​ ​ ​ ​