

2015-05-05    03'44''

主播: 格贝美国际幼儿园电台

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In 1899, a group of parents and teachers that were unsatisfied with the educational status founded the world&`&s first children&`&s museum in Brooklyn of New York, United States. The first museum was created along with the educational revolution. In 1905, Zhang Jian established the Nantong Museum, which is the first museum set up by Chinese. From 1902 to 1926, Zhang Jian founded over 320 schools within 25 years, including our country&`&s first school for deaf-mutes, the first vocational school, the first civilian-run museum, the first observatory, the first library ... The industries and social undertakings established by Zhang Jian all unexceptionally revolved around "education". He made all non-educational departments bear the function of education, and remoulded the traditional education which served less people to one that served a great amount of people. Cai Yuanpei said, "Education is not exclusive in school. There are many organs besides school." The first one would be the library, and other educational institutions and carriers, including research institutes, museums, exhibitions, concerts, plays, presswork and so on, all possess the same function as school. Cai Yuanpei pointed out that a museum should be an educational organ, which is regarded a great development of the theory of Chinese museums. Lu Xun, who cried out "save the children", spent 14 years on a great amount of work related to theory of Chinese museums in his life. Throwing our mind further back, 2200 years ago, a gifted scholar arose in Luoyang, the city below, and was asked by Emperor Wen of Han to be the teacher of two princes, Changsha Wang and Lianghuai Wang. He is the grand preceptor Jia Yi, one of the founders of China&`&s ancient antenatal training and preschool education. What the wise men of the past at all times and in all countries have done makes us, the generation in an era with big data and cloud computing social media, have to think. What would be the children&`&s education tallying with the mooc era in the city producing the Imperial College and preschool educational expert Jia Yi? Today, we build a small children&`&s museum in Mount Mang Gebeimei Kindergarten, trying to figure out how, in the Internet era, to let the children grow in a museum on the basis of ancient wise men&`&s practice. The great men always keep their heart as innocent as children. Didn’t every one of the great people studying the correlation between human and the nature, or laws of history, have the world&`&s most ambitious vision since childhood? We change the education, and the children change the future. This is the Children&`&s Dream Museum. Alright, now the story begins.