

2014-08-06    00'59''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

925 128

我们经常说,不应该以貌取人.然而,近来有心理学家发现,一个人是不是值得信任,只要他眨一下眼,就能看出来. Daily Mail: psychologists have found people decide how trustworthy strangers are within the blink of an eye, and it is all down to the shape of their face. Researchers suggest we tend to judge someone with high eyebrows and prominent cheekbones to be more honest, while we are less likely to trust someone with a furrowed brow and sunken cheeks. The findings give new weight to the principle that first impressions count. There is no evidence, however, that facial features demonstrate how honest someone really is– simply that they may be perceived to be trustworthy or untrustworthy depending on their looks. maPsychologists from New York University found that a section of the brain decides a person's trustworthiness even before we have consciously perceived who they are.