每日英语笑话 Pink Suit Sale 粉红西装卖出去了

每日英语笑话 Pink Suit Sale 粉红西装卖出去了

2014-06-25    01'34''

主播: 爱小听

1556 1

When the store manager returned from lunch, he noticed his clerk's hand was bandaged, but before he could ask about the bandage, the clerk said he had some very good news for him. 服装店经理吃完午餐回来,发现店员的手包上了绷带,没等他问,店员告诉他一个非常好的消息。 "Guess what, sir?" the clerk said. "I finally sold that terrible, ugly suit we've had so long!" “猜猜看发生什么事了,经理。”店员说,“我终于把那套一直压在这儿的难看透顶的西装卖出去了!” "Do you mean that repulsive pink-and-blue double-breasted thing?" the manager asked. “不是那件粉红带蓝条的双排扣套装吧!那套衣服实在太可怕了!” "That's the one!" “就是那件。” "That's great!" the manager cried, "I thought we'd never get rid of that monstrosity! That had to be the ugliest suit we've ever had! But tell me.Why is your hand bandaged?" “太棒了!”经理叫道,“我一直以为我们无法处理掉那件怪物了,那是我们有过最难看的西装。对了,你的手怎么上绷带了?” "Oh," the clerk replied, "after I sold the guy that suit, his guide dog bit me." “哦,”店员说,“当我把那件西装卖给客人以后,他的导盲犬扑上来咬了我一口。” 英语单词短语学习: 1 bandage ['b?ndid?] n. 绷带 eg:We put some ointment and a bandage on his knee. 我们在他的膝盖上涂了些药膏,还缠了一条绷带。 短语 Adhesive bandage 创可贴 ; 胶布绷带 ; 胶带 ; 创口贴 triangular bandage 三角绷带 ; 三角巾 ; 消防 bandage scissors 绷带剪 ; 绷带剪刀 ; 剪刀 binocle bandage 双眼绷带 bandage winder 卷绷带器 burn bandage 烧伤绷带 rubber bandage 橡皮绷带 suspensory bandage 悬吊绷带 gauntlet bandage 手套式绷带 2 repulsive [ri'p?lsiv] adj. 令人厌恶的,排斥的 eg:This cation feels the repulsive force of the cation over here. 这一个阳离子受到了来自,另一阳离子的排斥力。 短语 repulsive neutrons 互斥中子 repulsive a 排斥的 l repulsive 恶心 l repulsive 恶心 repulsive molecular 排斥分子的 ; 排挤分子的 repulsive mineral 排斥矿物 repulsive interaction 排斥作用 Repulsive Elastity 弹性 Repulsive Impression 乐团 3 guide dog 导盲犬 想获得更多资讯吗?教你三个方法哦! 1、加人人电台官方微信"人人听力网":renrentingli 2、加人人电台官方QQ“人人听力网”:840247028 期待您的加入!期待您的建议和意见~