励志演讲 惠普CEO卡莉·费奥瑞纳在清华大学的演讲——人人电台分享

励志演讲 惠普CEO卡莉·费奥瑞纳在清华大学的演讲——人人电台分享

2014-03-22    09'35''

主播: 爱小听

202 25

【人物简介】 卡莉·费奥瑞纳1954出生,毕业于斯坦福大学,原来是修读中世纪历史和哲 学,1980年进入AT&T 卡莉·费奥瑞纳与中国领导人之前在马里兰 大学获得MBA学位。后开始由从事秘书工作到执教鞭,然后投身AT&T的销售电话服务。1995年,费奥瑞纳参与AT&T分拆朗迅科技,1998年升为朗迅科技的全球服务供应业务部行政总监,管理一个占公司总收入达6成的部门。1999年7月底,出任惠普公司首席执行官,成为道琼斯工业指数成分股企业中唯一的女性总裁,2001年9月4日,惠普与康柏公司达成一项总值高达250亿美元的并购交易,出任新惠普公司首席执行官。2005年初,卡莉结束了在惠普6年的职业生涯,卸下惠普主席兼首席执行官的职务。费奥瑞纳现是思科系统董事会成员,之前还曾是Kellogg Company公司和Merck & Company公司的董事会成员之一。 Carly Fiorina Remarks at Tsinghua University 惠普CEO卡莉·费奥瑞纳在清华大学的演讲 Beijing, China March 12, 2004 中国北京 2004年3月12日 Xie, xie. Xia wu hao. Those are the only two words of Chinese I know. That's no true, I know a third–Ni hao. I want to thank all of you for taking time out of your what I know that is a very busy study schedule to be here today. I know this is valuable time for you that you could be using to work, or study, or maybe to play Sword on line. Thank you for having me here today. 大家下午好,谢谢。这是我唯一知道的两句中国话,其实不是,我还知道第三个,你好。我要感谢大家,在你们紧张的学习之余能够出席今天的演讲会,我知道对于你们来说时间很宝贵,你们可以使用这段时间工作或者学习,或者在网上进行一些游戏,非常感谢邀请我到这里来演讲。 Coming from a company that has“invent”as part of our brand, as part of our signature, I sometimes begin speeches by saying that invention and innovation have been part the DNA of HP’s for more than sixty years. Our scientists and engineers today generate more than 11 patents every day. We spend more than 4 billion dollars a year on R&D. So invention is part of our future as well as part of our past. 惠普公司我们的品牌中间有一个就是创新这两个字,我在演讲的时候都说创新和发明是惠普公司的最基本的构成部分。我们已经有60年的历史,我们的工程师和科学家,每天都会推出11项专利。我们每年在研发方面花40亿美元,所以说发明是我们过去和未来的一个重要组成部分。 That all sounds pretty impressive until you think about China’s history, and you realize that“invent”has been part of China’s DNA for more than 5,000 years. Every schoolchild in America learns about China’s many gifts to this world—from the invention of paper, to gunpowder, the wheelbarrow, the compass, acupuncture—right up to the first blast furnace and the first use of iron casting, back in the sixth century. 我想讲这些大家会觉得非常令人瞩目,但是与中国的悠久历史相比,就不值一提了,因为中国已经有五千年的发明史,美国的每一个适龄儿童都知道中国给世界带来很多东西,比如造纸术的发明、火药的发明,指南针的发明,还有针灸,铸铁技术是六世纪的时候中国带给世界的发明。 As a company, we actually at HP are especially indebted to a man named Bi Sheng, who had the vision in 1045 A.D. to invent the world’s first movable type, which led to its first printer—a full 300 years before Gutenberg's invention of movable type changed the Western world. So today, I want to issue a belated thank you to Bi Sheng for having the foresight to set in motion a process that would eventually lead to a 20 billion business for HP. 我们HP特别要感谢毕升先生,他在1045年第一个发明了活字打印机(印刷术),比西方的发明早好几百年,所以我今天要特别感谢他,它的发明给惠普公司带来了200亿美元的生意。清 That great tradition of invention and innovation has certainly been carried on here at Tsinghua, where some of the finest instructors in the world today are working to train some of the finest scientists and engineers. It’s a bit ironic that this school was originally established nearly 100 years ago as a place where young Chinese could go to America and other western nations to learn from us. Today, the rest of the world, I think, has much to learn from China. 我总是觉得发明的过程类似于上大学,发明者应该到实验室,有一个非常强但模糊的要实现的目标,通过努力、勤奋、经过实验、经过不断的摸索,使用前人的经验和指导,你们最终会实现探索的结果。华大学差不多是一百年前建立的,中国的学子可以到西方学习,现在的西方世界从中国这里要学到的东西应该是更多的。...... 音频下载地址:http://www.rrting.net/English/ppyy1/288524/ 想获得更多资讯吗?教你三个方法哦! 1、加人人电台官方微信"人人听力网":renrentingli 2、加人人电台私人微信“爱小听":ixiaoting521 3、加人人电台官方QQ“人人听力网”:840247028 期待您的加入!期待您的建议和意见~