

2018-01-17    10'36''

主播: 海盐脆片

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Normal Labor and Delivery Process 正常分娩过程 After months of anticipation, your baby&`&s due date is near. Here’s what you can expect from the start of labor until the first days and weeks with your new baby. 经过数月的等待,宝宝的预产期就要到了,下文是从临产开始直至宝宝出生后数天可能会发生的一些事儿~ Signs of Labor分娩迹象 No one can predict with certainty when labor will begin -- the due date your doctor gives you is merely a point of reference. It is normal for labor to start as early as three weeks before that date or as late as two weeks after it. The following are signs that labor is probably not far away: 没有人能肯定地预测产程何时开始——医生给出的预产期只是一个参考时间点。比预产期提前三周开始或延后两周开始分娩都是正常的。以下一些征象预示着即将临产: Lightening. This occurs when your baby’s head drops down into your pelvis in preparation for delivery. Your belly may look lower and you may find it easier to breathe as your baby no longer crowds your lungs. You may also feel an increased need to urinate, because your baby is pressing on your bladder.  胎儿下降感:又称轻松感,系胎先露部进入骨盆入口所致。孕妇的腹部看起来较前下降,并且呼吸较前轻快,因为此时胎儿不再压迫肺部,但由于胎儿压迫膀胱的缘故,孕妇还会感到尿频。 Bloody show. A blood-tinged or brownish discharge from your cervix is the released mucus plug that has sealed off the womb from infection. 见红:从宫颈流出的血色或褐色的分泌物是脱落的粘液栓,它能保护子宫免受感染。 Diarrhea . Frequent loose stools may mean labor is imminent. 腹泻:频繁的稀便可能意味着临产迫在眉睫。 Ruptured membranes. Fluid gushing or leaking from the vagina means the membranes of the amniotic sac that surrounded and protected your baby have ruptured. This can occur hours before  labor starts or during labor. Most women go into labor within 24 hours. If labor does not occur naturally during this time frame, doctors may induce labor to prevent infections and delivery complications. 胎膜破裂:阴道有液体涌出或泄漏意味着包围和保护胎儿的羊膜囊的两层膜已经破裂。这一情况可发生在临产前数小时或分娩过程中。大多数妇女会在24小时内临产,若在这个时间段内没有自然分娩,医生可能会引产以防止感染和分娩并发症。 Contractions . Although it&`&s not unusual to experience periodic, irregularcontractions (uterine muscle spasms) as your labor nears,contractions  that occur at intervals of less than 10 minutes are usually an indication that  labor has begun. 宫缩。虽然当分娩临近时,周期性、不规则的收缩(子宫肌肉痉挛)并不少见,但每隔不到10分钟就会发生一次宫缩通常表明产程已经开始。 Stages of Labor 产程 Labor is typically divided into three stages: 分娩通常分为三个产程: Stage 1. The first stage of labor is divided into three phases: latent, active, and transition. The first, the latent phase, is the longest and least intense. During this phase, contractions become more frequent, helping your cervix to dilate so your baby can pass through the birth canal. Discomfort at this stage is still minimal. During this phase, your cervix will begin to dilate and efface, or thin out. If your contractions are regular, you will probably be admitted to the hospital during this stage and have frequent pelvic exams to determine how much the cervix is dilated. During the active phase, the cervix begins to dilate more rapidly. You may feel intense pain or pressure in your back or abdomen during each contraction. You may also feel the urge to push or bear down, but your doctor will ask you to wait until your cervix is completely open. During transition, the cervix fully dilates to 10 centimeters. Contractions are very strong, painful, and frequent, coming every three to four minutes and lasting from 60 to 90 seconds. 第一产程:第一产程分为三个阶段:潜伏期、活跃期和过渡期。 第一个阶段,潜伏期,是最久、最温和的阶段。在这个阶段,宫缩变得更频繁,从而帮助子宫颈扩张,有利于胎儿通过产道。这个阶段较少出现不适,子宫颈开始扩张、缩短、消失。如果宫缩规律,您可能会在这一阶段住院,并经常进行盆腔检查,以确定宫颈扩张的程度。 在活跃期,子宫颈扩张加快。每次收缩时产妇都可能会感到背部或腹部的剧烈疼痛或压力,同时可能有排便感和屏气下推的冲动,但是医生会要求你再等等,直至子宫颈完全打开。 在过渡期中,子宫颈完全扩张至10厘米。宫缩非常强烈、疼痛和频繁,间歇3-4分钟,每次持续约60-90秒。 Stage 2. Stage 2 begins when the cervix is completely opened. At this point, your doctor will give you the OK to push. Your pushing, along with the force of your contractions, will propel your baby through the birth canal. The fontanels (soft spots) on your baby&`&s head allow it to fit through the narrow canal.Your baby’s head crowns when the widest part of it reaches the vaginal opening. As soon as your baby’s head comes out, your doctor will suction amniotic fluid, blood, and mucus from his or her nose and mouth. You will continue to push to help deliver the baby’s shoulders and body. Once your baby is delivered, your doctor -- or your partner, if he has requested to do so -- clamps and cuts the umbilical cord. 当宫颈口完全扩张,第二产程随即开始。此时,医生会示意开始用力。产妇屏气下推的力量配合宫缩力,将推动宝宝通过产道。婴儿头上的囟门(软点)可以让它通过狭窄的产道,当胎头最宽的部分到达阴道口时为胎头着冠。一旦胎头娩出,医生将抽吸胎儿口鼻的羊水、血液和粘液。孕妇则继续使用腹压协助胎儿肩膀和肢体的娩出。 Stage 3. After your baby is delivered, you enter the final stage of labor. In this stage, you deliver the placenta, the organ that nourished your baby inside the womb. 第三产程:胎儿娩出后,产妇进入最后阶段,胎盘娩出期。在子宫里滋养胎儿的器官——胎盘,在这个产程娩出。 Each woman and each labor is different. The amount of time spent in each stage of delivery will vary. If this is your first pregnancy, labor and delivery usually lasts about 12 to 14 hours. The process is usually shorter for subsequent pregnancies. 分娩过程因人而异,每个产程持续时间各不相同。如果是初产妇,阵痛和分娩通常要持续12到14个小时,经产妇所需的时间则通常更短一些。 Pain Treatments分娩镇痛 Just as the amount of time in labor varies, the amount of pain women experience is different, too.The position and size of your baby and strength of your contractions can influence pain, as well. Although some women can manage their pain with breathing and relaxation techniques learned in childbirth classes, others will need other methods to control their pain. Some of the more commonly used pain-relief methods include: 正如分娩的时间不同,女性所经历的痛苦也是不同的。婴儿的位置和大小以及宫缩的强度也会影响疼痛。虽然有些产妇可以通过在分娩课上学习到的呼吸和放松技巧来控制她们的疼痛,但其他一些产妇则需要其他方法来控制她们的疼痛。 Medications . Several drugs are used to help ease the pain of labor and delivery. Although these drugs are generally safe for the mother and baby, as with any drugs, they have the potential for side effects. Pain-relieving drugs fall into two categories: analgesics and anesthetics. 药物镇痛:有几种药物被用来帮助减轻分娩的痛苦,这些药物对母亲和婴儿通常是安全的,但俗话说“是药三分毒”,它们仍有潜在的副作用。 缓解疼痛的药物分为两类:镇痛药和麻醉药。 Non-Drug Options. Non-drug methods for relieving pain include acupuncture, hypnosis, relaxation techniques, and changing position frequently during labor. Even if you choose non-drug pain relief, you can still ask for pain medications at any point during your delivery. 非药物镇痛。缓解疼痛的非药物方法包括针灸、催眠、放松技术和分娩时频繁更换体位。即使预先选择了非药物镇痛,产妇在分娩过程中的任意时刻仍然可以要求使用镇痛药。 What to Expect After Delivery 分娩后会发生什么? Just as your body went through many changes before birth, it will go through transitions as you recover from childbirth. Physically you may experience the following: 正如你的身体在宝宝出生前经历了许多变化一样,当你从分娩中恢复过来时它也需要一个过渡期。 生理上你可能会经历以下情况: Pain at the site of the episiotomy or laceration.  会阴切开或撕裂部位疼痛 Sore breasts. 乳房疼痛 Hemorrhoids  痔疮。 Constipation . 便秘。 Hot and cold flashes. 冷热交替。 Urinary or fecal incontinence. 二便失禁。 "After pains." After giving birth, you will continue to experience contractions for a few days as your uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size. You may notice contractions most while your baby is nursing. “产后(宫缩)痛” Vaginal discharge (lochia). Immediately following birth you will experience a bloody discharge heavier than a regular period. Over time, the discharge will fade to white or yellow and then stop entirely within two months. 阴道分泌物(恶露) Emotionally you may experience irritability, sadness, or crying, commonly referred to as the "baby blues," in the days or weeks after delivery. These symptoms occur in up to 80% of new mothers and may be related to physical changes (including hormone changes and exhaustion) and your emotional adjustment to the responsibilities of caring for a newborn. 在分娩后的几天或几周,你可能会在情绪上感到烦躁、悲伤或哭泣,通常被称为“产后忧郁”。这些症状出现在80%的新妈妈身上,并且可能跟生理上的变化(包括激素变化和疲劳)以及你对照顾新生儿的责任的情感调适有关。 (资料来源:www.webmd.com; 中文为讲者自译,水平有限,如有不当之处,敬请指出。) Bgm - nothing‘s gonna change my love for you 撰稿讲解:福建医科大学 淑铉铉铉