Voice Warm up: Opening up (下)

Voice Warm up: Opening up (下)

2014-10-25    04'24''

主播: madmarkus

45691 2108

So the next thing we are going to is going from chest voice to head voice. So going from the bottom voice up to the top And this is normally where the stress and the pressure from People want to start to squeeze. So I got a little cure for that. We are going to hunch our shoulders really high. I know it's crazy And you just let them plumb And this is gonna simply disengage these muscles These muscles want to stop you when you are going up because everything is connected If you start to tense here it's going to cause a chain reactions of tension It's going to stop everything So we going to lift lift, and then [lip rolls] So just from bottom to the top Chest voice up to the head voice It's like going [ah ] but we are doing it with a lip roll [lip rolls] Just try that with me while I am talking [lip rolls] So, shoulders up [lip rolls] And you should feel like this is nothing Your voice moves. Your upper body does not. So when you lift up tight enough you know really get tight and then just release completely Just let them plumb. So I am not doing this - I am not making them come down I am tighten, tighten, tightening. Then I just let go I feel that plumb Don't do this too much I don't want you to dislodge your shoulders but just to * more time Reach reach [lip rolls] It's that simple, that simple Make sure nobody is in front of you because this stuff gets on, it's embarrassing OK so Let's try that again Lift lift lift [lip rolls] Good, last one hip sockets Your pelvic floor has more to with your singing than a lot of singers are aware of and a lot voice teachers give credit for We tend to think the diaphragm is like a stomach thing and the muscles of your abdomen do, you know, control your diaphragm The muscles of your torso help the diaphragm a lot and help to stabilize and control the singing The pelvic floor is a part of that torso muscle family That helps your diaphragm to do what it has to do So if we are tightening the hip sockets or in the knees it again cause a chain reaction of tightness So a simple solution is just gonna go a slight bent So the same as we did the shoulder drop and going up, we gonna [lip rolls] you are gonna knee down So body goes down, voice going up [lip rolls] Almost like being in a ballet class, only I might not be that graceful So let's do it again [lip rolls] Again start from down and work the head up That's all what we are doing, alright Even your sound is week, even your voice sounds like [starting down there] this goes like a little high voice [weak voice] That's OK Just keep practicing and make sure you don't squeeze this, alright So again [lip rolls] Now we are gonna go from head voice to chest voice So, we are gonna start up here and then we are gonna go down here But we still gonna bend down Why? Because I don't want you think of reaching up for high notes It's a sure * way to clench muscles. When we bristle ourselves for high notes, when we tight up in anticipation then we do this, we tighten up We definitely will do it, we tighten up in anticipation I dont want you to do that I want you to think of releasing I just so sink to the floor for the hight notes [lip rolls] That your voice go down with your body [lip rolls] [Abdomen into the chest voice And again [lip rolls] It doesn't have to be that strong [ah] That's fine, but with a lip roll [lip rolls] Why do I like getting lip rolls engage the diaphragm in a wonderful way and balance the pressure between the diaphragm and the vocal cords it really teach them to work together, harmoniously very easily Any of these exercises that we did feel free to do longer If you go to this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5hS7eukUbQ] again just continue to do the particular exercise or release maneuver while I am talking It's that simple If you want to spend longer on any of these Feel free. They are very gentle, very easy to do They teach your body very foundational things Don't overlook the power of a yawn Don't let the simplicity fool you A yawn is powerful A gentle cough can be aware of these muscles are powerful Lip rolls and these weird movements [head shaking, shoulder hunching], powerful