

2019-12-13    03'15''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

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关注【九点有声悦读】获得更多美文 生命中最寻常的幸福小事,你珍惜了吗? 生命中最美好的事都是免费的 They say the best things in life are free. 人们常说,生命中最美妙的事情都是免费的。 A user asked people from around the world what life's most simple pleasures were, one of which was getting in your own bed after a long journey. 一位用户向世界各地的人们问了这样一个问题,即:你的生活中最让你感到幸福的小事是什么?有人回答说,是在长时间的旅行后躺在自家的床榻上。 Unsurprisingly, many pleasures that came out top on the list were ones that resulted in a sense of physical relief after solving annoyances or irritations. 并不出人意料的是,在人们列出的这张幸福小事清单上,许多带来幸福感的小事都与焦虑、愤怒等情绪消除后感到的身体舒松感有关。 These included extracting a popcorn kernel lodged in the teeth, back or head scratches, and also the satisfying first sip of a drink when thirsty. 清单上的幸福小事还包括从牙齿缝里挑出了一颗吃爆米花时卡住的玉米壳,在背心上挠痒痒或者搔搔头,还有非常干渴的时候喝下第一口饮料时沁爽的感受。 Users also agreed that freshly baked bread was another simple pleasure in life that made them happy. 用户们还表示,刚出炉的面包的香气也是让他们感到开心的幸福小事之一。 A shower with good water pressure was another comfortable life pleasure that Reddit users praised. 还有网友表示,在适合的水压之下冲淋浴也是一件令人感到惬意的幸福小事。 LIFE'S SMALLEST SIMPLEST PLEASURES 生活中最微小、最简单的幸福小事 1. Falling asleep while it's raining outside 窗外下着雨,安然入睡 2. Back or head scratches 挠挠背、搔搔头 3. A shower with good water pressure 在舒适的水压下冲澡 4. Lying in your own bed after a long journey 长途旅行后躺在自己的床上 5. Freshly baked bread 刚出炉的新鲜面包 6. The first sip of a drink when you're thirsty 干渴的时候呷下一口饮料 7. Getting goosebumps from a song 听到一首歌深受感动 8. Causing someone to laugh that you admire or look up to 让一位你崇敬或敬仰的人开怀大笑 9. Starting a task and finishing it 有始有终的完成一件事情 10. Waking up for work, only to realise it's Saturday 早起准备上班,忽然想起今天是周六