Morning Cheese English 111 20190618

Morning Cheese English 111 20190618

2019-06-18    01'32''

主播: Jeffree🐰杰福瑞刘老师

285 2

Morning Cheese English 111 20190618 Good morning, everyone! It's time for Morning Cheese English. 今天的茄子早安英语和您分享的是be up to one's eyeballs (in something) ,形容的是你正在为一项具体的工作而忙得不可开交,一点闲暇时间都没有。 例句 Julian would love to go the gym but he's up to his eyeballs in paperwork. He's got tons of projects to do.赵彦想去健身房但是现在他被文案工作搞得不可开交,要做的项目太多啦。 Grace says, I’m up to my eyeballs in work at the moment, so I don’t think I could take any time off for a few weeks.小雅说,我现在工作忙得很,我觉得好几个礼拜都没法休息。