Morning Cheese English 092 20190514

Morning Cheese English 092 20190514

2019-05-14    01'17''

主播: Jeffree🐰杰福瑞刘老师

134 0

Morning Cheese English 092 20190514 Good morning, everyone! It's time for Morning Cheese English. 今天的茄子早安英语和您分享的是 “be streets ahead 超出几条街” 比喻 “事或人远比另一事物或人优秀、水平高,遥遥领先”。 例句 Julian says to his boss our new product will be a huge success and will ensure we are streets ahead of our competitors. 赵彦和老板说,我们的新产品会取得巨大的成功,并将确保我们遥遥领先于竞争对手。 Grace hopes her kid will be streets ahead of other kids. 小雅希望自己的孩子以后比其他孩子优秀得多。