花式健身之 “石头热疗”

花式健身之 “石头热疗”

2016-06-30    02'23''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

920 53

20160630ou 一中两外锵锵三人行 今日话题: 花式健身之 “石头热疗”, 大妈们的石头疗法真的有效吗? Lincoln: Now, Yoyo, people are lying on hot rocks. There are hot rocks, the rocks are there, they’ve been warmed up by the sun, but then guess what? People are going and lying on them. Please explain this for us, please. Yoyo: A recent report shows that in Xi’an, in China’s Shaanxi province, people have found some middle-aged women lying on their backs on big rocks, and they have covered their faces with towels. In fact, this is not a performance art, and they were reportedly having a medical treatment. Nick: Sorry, when people first came across middle-aged women lying on their backs with towels on their faces, they thought it was a performance art? Yoyo: Some thought so Nick: Okay. Yoyo: But quickly they found out it is not a performance art. Lincoln: Now, let me ask this question. What is the perceived benefit of lying on a hot rock? Why would you do this? Why would you spend your time in this way? Yoyo: They reportedly believe that lying on hot rocks, which have absorbed the heat from the sun, especially between 3 and 4 p.m., can keep them in good health. One little piece of bad news is that one elderly woman got sunburned after she exposed herself to the sun for too long. Nick: She forgot the towel. Lincoln: Now this seems a little bit weird to me, that they would decide to just lie in the sun. Yoyo: They tend to believe something they find in their friend circle on new media, and that lying on a hot rock can cure some certain diseases on your back, and then when the rock is hot, it is very good for your blood circulation. Nick: And is it? Yoyo: Well, here is one of the experts saying, a doctor from Xi’an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, suggested that the sun worshippers should not trust folk prescriptions which are usually without scientific grounding, and asked them to consult with doctors when feeling unwell. Nick: Okay, so is this like a treatment? Have they got some kind of illness that they’re trying to treat by lying on these rocks or is it kind of a preventative, keep yourself in good health, kind of measure? Yoyo: The latter one. Lincoln: One woman actually spoke to some reporters, identified only by her surname as Lou, she told reporters that she suffered from synovitis and stiff muscles. Nick: And did the rocks help? Lincoln: She said that one of her relatives with similar ailments as her tried this out-of-home remedy, and she was cured! Yoyo: That is good news.