《听见英国》U05L3 Talking About What to Buy for Christmas 讨论圣诞礼物

《听见英国》U05L3 Talking About What to Buy for Christmas 讨论圣诞礼物

2015-02-16    01'24''

主播: ikey

268 31

Unit 5 Shopping逛街购物 Listening 3 Talking About What to Buy for Christmas 讨论圣诞礼物 英语听力原文: Pete: Hi,Jane. Jane: Hi,Pete. P: What are you doing? J: I’m trying to make a Christmas present list. P: Already!It's only the 2nd of December. J:I know, but I've got a large family and it's always difficult to find them all good presents. P: OK.Let me help. Who would you like to buy presents for? J: Well,my two elder brothers, my sister, my parents, my two uncles and aunts, my three cousins and our dog, Sam. P: OK.Let’s start with your sister....How about perfume? J: No,I got her perfume last year. P: A CD? J: She doesn’t like music. P: OK.How about a book? J: That’s a good idea. P: What kind of book does she like? Romantic love stories? Detective stories? Classical novels? J: Well,I think she likes fantasy and suspense. But not horror books. P: How about the new Harry Potter books? J:That's a good idea. OK. Now, my mum. P:Perfumed soap, shampoo, that sort of thing? J: No...a bit boring. P: OK. What about candles? J: Candles? P: Yes, you can buy candles that smell of lavender, pine, roses, strawberries etc and they're not too expensive. J: OK, I’ll get some pine candles for my mum, and maybe I can buy some lavender and strawberry ones for my aunts, too. Now, how about my brothers? 英语听力翻译: 彼特:嗨,珍。 珍:嗨,彼特。 彼特:你在做什么? 珍:我在列圣诞礼物清单。 彼特:这么早!现在才12 月2 号。 珍:我知道, 但是我有个大家庭,要想出适合每个人的好礼物总是很困难。 彼特:好吧,让我来帮你。你要买礼物给哪些人? 珍:嗯,我的两个哥哥,我妹,我爸妈,两个伯伯和伯母,三个表兄妹,还有我们的狗,山姆。 彼特:好,我们从你妹开始......送香水怎么样? 珍:不行,我去年就送她香水了。 彼特:CD 唱片? 珍:她不喜欢音乐。 彼特:好,那书怎么样? 珍:这是个好主意。 彼特:她喜欢什么样的书?浪漫的爱情故事?侦探小说?经典名作? 珍:唔,我想她喜欢奇幻和悬疑的故事,但是不要恐怖小说。 彼特:最新一集的《哈利波特》怎么样? 珍:这个点子太棒了。好了,换我妈。 彼特:香皂、洗发精这一类的东西怎么样? 珍:不要......有点老套。 彼特:好吧,那蜡烛怎么样? 珍:蜡烛? 彼特:对啊,你可以买熏衣草、松木、玫瑰、草莓等等香味的蜡烛,而且价钱又不贵。 珍:好,那我买一些松香蜡烛给我妈,也许还可以买一些熏衣草和草莓味的蜡烛给两个伯母。接下来,我哥哥他们呢? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英语听力测试任务1: 接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~6 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)~(C)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。 1. Let’s… (A) Asking for advice 2. How about… (B) Making a suggestion 3. That’s a good idea. (C) Giving an opinion 4. What kind of… 5. Well, I think… 6. Maybe… 答案:1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 英语听力测试任务2: 请根据对话内容回答问题。 请根据对话内容回答问题。 Q: Who is making a Christmas present list? A: __________________ 答案:Jane 英语听力测试任务3: 请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。 1. Who is on the Christmas present list? (A) Friends (B) Fellow workers (C) Family (D) Children 2. Who is Sam? (A) Jane’s brother (B) Pete’s uncle (C) Jane’s dog (D) Jane’s uncle 3. Why is perfume not a good idea? (A) It’s the same as last year. (B) It’s too expensive. (C) A CD is a better idea. (D) Mother is allergic to it 4. What present do they decide is a better idea than perfume? (A) A CD (B) A fantasy book (C) Soap (D) A horror book 5. What kind of candles do they talk about? (A) Fragrant ones (B) Colourful ones (C) Expensive ones (D) Large ones 6. Who will get candles for a Christmas present? (A) Jane’s brothers (B) Jane’s aunts (C) Jane’s mother (D) Jane’s mother and aunts 答案:1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.D 英语听力测试任务4: 请根据对话内容回答问题 1. What’s the date today? A: ________________ 2. How many brothers and sisters has Jane got? A: _________________ 3. Who doesn’t like music or horror books? A: __________________ 4. What kind of candles will Jane buy for her mother? A: __________________ 5. Whose present are they going to decide next? A: ____________________ 答案: 1.December the 2"a 2. Three 3.Jane's sister 4.Pine candles S.Jane's brothers