Week02(上) 慢就是快,步步为营- Merida

Week02(上) 慢就是快,步步为营- Merida

2018-09-09    07'49''

主播: 布莱恩教育

18982 208

It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices 布莱恩英语晨练教材 本周内容选自电影 Inside Out(头脑特工队) 推荐理由:这是一部让人看完电影后会重新审视自己的情绪的电影:珍藏在手机中会在不同阶段给予你帮助。同时电影包含大量地道的英文表达。 第1天 1. That was just the beginning. 那只是个开始。 2. Would you like to tell us something about yourself? 跟大家做个自我介绍好吗? 3. I'm positive you will get lost in there 我很肯定你会迷路的。 4. He cares very deeply about things being fair 他很在乎公平这件事。 5. We got to get you back up there. 我们必须把你送回上面去。 6. Look at you. Aren't you a little bundle of joy? 看啊。你真是个快乐的小天使。 第2天 1. We're happy to have you here. 我们都很欢迎你来。 2 I'm not actually sure what she does. 我也不太明白她的职责。 3. She's never acted like this before. 以前从没见过她这样。 4. You can't focus on what's going wrong. 你不能一直盯着你犯的错。 5. You know what? Let's think about something else 我们想点别的吧。 6. I'm gonna make sure that tomorrow is another great day 我保证明天一定又是美好的一天 第3天 1. I'm on it. 我来搞定 2. That sounds nice. 听起来不错。 3. After you. 你先请 4. Time to prove it. 该证明一下了。 5. Up to you. 靠你了。/取决于你 6. All right. Do not panic. 好吧,别慌。 7. Time to take action. 是时候采取行动了。 8. We did it! /We made it! 我们做到了 9. It was a great idea. 这主意好! 10. Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快。 1. Just follow my footsteps. 跟着我就好。 12. Things couldn't be better. 这一切都很完美。 13. I brought you something. 我给你带了点东西。