A  Colorful  Chameleon

A Colorful Chameleon

2017-07-02    02'23''

主播: EC早教中心

3261 40

A Colorful Chameleon 变色龙带你认颜色 I am a happy chameleon.Because... 我是一只快乐的变色龙,因为。。。 When I am passing through the green grassland... 我走过一片绿油油的草地 I change into GREEN. 我就变成了---绿色 When I am swimming in the blue ocean... 我游过一片蓝汪汪的大海, I change into BLUE. 我就变成了----蓝色. When I am crossing the yellow wheat field... 我穿过一片黄橙橙的麦田 I change into YELLOW. 我就变成了----黄色. When I am swinging among the red flowers... 我在红艳艳的花朵间荡来荡去, I change into RED. 我就变成了---红色。 Growling! Growling! I am so hungry! 咕噜噜!咕噜噜!肚子饿了怎么办? Let me jump into an orange to have a nice meal. 钻进橙灿灿的橘子里,去大吃一顿吧。 I change into Orange. 我就变成了----橙色。 When the night comes, and everywhere is dark... 当夜幕降临,黑暗笼罩大地, I change into BLACK. 我就变成了----黑色。 Suddenly...look,fireworks! 突然......看,烟花! Oh,my! I am as colorful as fireworks. 天哪!我竟然变成了烟花的颜色。 How amazing! 这,是不是很神奇呢?
上一期: 弗洛格和陌生人
下一期: 弗洛格找宝藏