20200530 英语卡拉OK

20200530 英语卡拉OK

2020-05-30    00'45''

主播: Shally🚉

95 0

模拟挑选荔枝篇 选择有智慧的、机灵的、经验丰富的或者有技巧的老师,而没有任何废话的痕迹。这个老师的课程相对时长来说,应该是信息量大的以及鼓舞人心的。不要选那些仅仅长得好看的,或者媒体大肆炒作的老师。 Select wise smart experienced or skilled teachers with no sign of crap, and the class feels informative and inspirational for its time. Avoid pretty face and media hype. 一旦报名,课程就会以很快的速度开始推出了。假以时日,积极的效果也会渐渐出现。有一些小缺点的老师依然可以很好地去追随。你可以关注在教学中好的那一部分。 Once subscribed, the class does start to roll out quickly and the result turns positive over time. Teachers with a few minor defects are still good to follow. You can focus on the good part in the teaching. 只有专业的才是合格的。优秀的老师关于学习的讲述会很有启迪性,对于生活中的问题亦是如此。《英语 麦克风》有那种独特的人文特色,包罗万象又趣味横生。 Only the professional is eligible. The great teachers sound enlightening about learning and also about life issues. The EMF has that unique liberal feature. It is comprehensive and very interesting.