中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 13

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 13

2018-04-23    02'47''

主播: 英伦好声音

396 13

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) Want of breath prevented a continuance of the song; and the breakdown attracted the attention of a firm standing man of middle age, who kept each corner of his crescent-shaped mouth rigorously drawn back into his cheek, as if to do away with any suspicion of mirthfulness which might erroneously have attached to him. 老头儿接不上气儿来,才把歌声止住了;当时一位腰板笔直的中年男子,看见老头儿唱不上来了,就和他说起话来;只见那个男子,把他那月牙式的嘴,使劲往腮颊后面拉,仿佛怕别人错疑惑他会有什么嬉戏的笑容似的,所以作出这种样子来竭力避免。 "A fair stave, Grandfer Cantle; but I am afeard &`&tis too much for the mouldy weasand of such a old man as you," he said to the wrinkled reveler. "Doesn’t wish th&`& wast three sixes again, Grandfer, as you was when you first learnt to sing it?" “好曲子,(门敢)特大爷;可是有一样,俺恐怕你老人家那副老嗓子唱这样的曲子,有点儿够受的吧?”他朝着那位满脸皱纹的纵情歌舞者说。“俺说,(门敢)特大爷,你想不想再往十七打八里过一回,像你刚一学着唱这个曲子那时候的样子?” "Hey?" said Grandfer Cantle, stopping in his dance. “呃?你说什么?”阚特大爷停止了跳舞说。 "Dostn&`&t wish wast young again, I say? There&`&s a hole in thy poor bellows nowadays seemingly." “俺说,你愿意不愿意返老还童?像你眼下这把年纪,你那个老气嗓仿佛有了窟窿啦。” "But there&`&s good art in me? If I couldn&`&t make a little wind go a long ways I should seem no younger than the most aged man, should I, Timothy?" “嗓子只管不好,俺可有的是巧着儿。俺要是不善于运用俺这不够喘的气儿,那俺还能这么年轻,还能看起来一点儿也不像个顶老的糟老头子吗?你说,提摩太,能吗?” "And how about the new-married folks down there at the Quiet Woman Inn?" the other inquired, pointing towards a dim light in the direction of the distant highway, but considerably apart from where the reddleman was at that moment resting. "What&`&s the rights of the matter about &`&em? You ought to know, being an understanding man." “俺问你,大爷,这下面他们静女店里新成家的那两口子,这阵儿怎么样啦?”提摩太问,同时把手朝着远方大路那一方面一个黯淡的亮光指去,不过那个亮光,离红土贩子那时坐着休息的那段大路,却很不近。“他们这阵儿的真情实景是怎么个样子,像你这样一个明白晓事的人,总该知道吧?” "But a little rakish, hey? I own to it. Master Cantle is that, or he&`&s nothing. Yet &`&tis a gay fault, neigbbour Fairway, that age will cure." “明白只管明白,只是有点儿荒唐,是不是?俺也承认,有点儿荒唐。俺阚特大爷,当然是个荒唐鬼,要是他连个荒唐都够不上,那他还有什么资格哪?不过,费韦街坊,这是一桩小毛病,老了就好了。” "I heard that they were coming home tonight. By this time they must have come. What besides?" “俺以先只听说他们今儿晚上一块儿回来。俺想这时候,他们该已经回来了吧。还有什么别的情况没有?” "The next thing is for us to go and wish &`&em joy, I suppose?" “俺想,再应该办的事,就是咱们得上他们家给他们道喜去了。” "Well, no." “不吧?” "No? Now, I thought we must. I must, or &`&twould be very unlike me--the first in every spree that&`&s going! “不?俺想咱们一定得去。俺就非去不可。凭俺一有乐子就带头儿的人,要是不去,那应该吗?” "Do thou&`& put on&`& a fri&`&-ar&`&s coat&`&, 你快被上行乞僧服, And I&`&ll&`& put on&`& a-no&`&-ther, 我也和你一样装束, And we&`& will to&`& Queen Ele&`&anor go&`&, 就像同门师兄师弟, Like Fri&`&ar and&`& his bro&`&ther. 齐向王后参拜敬礼。 I met Mis&`&ess Yeobright, the young bride&`&s aunt, last night, and she told me that her son Clym was coming home a&`& Christmas. Wonderful clever, &`&a believe--ah, I should like to have all that&`&s under that young man&`&s hair. Well, then, I spoke to her in my well-known merry way, and she said, &`&O that what&`&s shaped so venerable should talk like a fool!&`&--that&`&s what she said to me. I don&`&t care for her, be jowned if I do, and so I told her. “昨儿晚上,俺碰见新娘子的大妈姚伯太太来着,她告诉俺,说她儿子克林过圣诞节的时候要回来。俺敢说,她儿子真伶俐的了不得,——啊,俺要是也有那个小伙子肚子里那些本事就好了。呃,接着俺就用俺那种一向大家都知道的风流腔调,跟她说话,她一听可就说啦,‘唉,这样一个看样子像是年高有德的人,可满嘴说这样的浑话,真是的!’——她就这样说俺来着。俺不在乎她那个,你骂那个在乎她的,俺当时也就这样对她说来着。 &`&Be jowned if I care for &`&ee,&`& I said. I had her there--hey?" 俺说,‘你骂那个在乎你的。’俺占了她的上风了,是不是?” "I rather think she had you," said Fairway. “俺倒觉得是她占了你的上风了,”费韦说。 "No," said Grandfer Cantle, his countenance slightly flagging. "&`&Tisn&`&t so bad as that with me?" “不至于吧,”阚特大爷把脸多少一搭拉说。“俺想俺不至于那么糟吧?” "Seemingly &`&tis, however, is it because of the wedding that Clym is coming home a&`& Christmas--to make a new arrangement because his mother is now left in the house alone?" “看起来好像能那么糟;可是,俺且问你,克林在过圣诞节的时候回来,就是为了这场亲事——为了家里就剩了他妈一个人,回来安置他妈,是不是?” "Yes, yes--that&`&s it. But, Timothy, hearken to me," said the Grandfer earnestly. “是,是,正是。不过,提摩太,你听俺说,”阚特大爷恳切地说。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】