171016 经典文学《简·爱》 第225期

171016 经典文学《简·爱》 第225期

2017-10-16    01'29''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4702 77

微信公众号;英语听力123 It was verging on dusk, and the clock had already given warning of the hour to dress for dinner, 时候已近黄昏,教堂的钟声提醒人们已到了换装用饭的时刻。 when little Adèle, who knelt by me in the drawing-room window-seat, suddenly exclaimed: 这当儿,在客厅里跪在我身边窗台上的阿黛勒突然大叫起来: "Voile, Monsieur Rochester, qui revient!" “罗切斯特先生,谁回来了!” I turned, and Miss Ingram darted forwards from her sofa. 我转过身,英格拉姆小姐从沙发上一跃而起。 The others, too, looked up from their several occupations. 其余的人也停下自己的活动抬起头来。 For at the same time a crunching of wheels and a splashing tramp of horse-hoofs became audible on the wet gravel. 与此同时,车轮的吱嘎声和马蹄涉水的泼喇声,在湿漉漉的沙土路上隐约传来。 A post-chaise was approaching. 一辆驿站马车驶近了。 经典文学《简·爱》 "What can possess him to come home in that style?" said Miss Ingram. “他中了什么邪啦,这等模样回家来?”英格拉姆小姐说道。 He rode Mesrour (the black horse), did he not, when he went out? And Pilot was with him: 他出门时骑的是梅斯罗(那匹黑马),不是吗?而派洛特也跟着他的, What has he done with the animals? 他把这两头动物怎么啦? As she said this, she approached her tall person and ample garments so near the window, 她说这话时,高高的身子和宽大的衣服紧挨着窗子, that I was obliged to bend back almost to the breaking of my spine. 弄得我不得不往后仰,差一点绷断了脊骨。 In her eagerness she did not observe me at first, but when she did, she curled her lip and moved to another casement. 焦急之中,她起初没有看见我,但一见我便噘起嘴,走到另外一扇窗去了。 The post-chaise stopped. the driver rang the door-bell, and a gentleman alighted attired in travelling garb. 马车停了下来,驾车人按了按门铃,一位穿着旅行装的绅士跳下车来。 But it was not Mr. Rochester; It was a tall, fashionable-looking man, a stranger. 不过不是罗切斯特先生。是位看上去很时髦的大个子男人,一个陌生人。 "How provoking!" exclaimed Miss Ingram: "you tiresome monkey!" (apostrophising Adèle) , “真恼人!”英格拉姆小姐嚷道:“你这个讨厌的猴子!”(称呼阿黛勒) who perched you up in the window to give false intelligence? 谁将你弄上窗子谎报消息的? And she cast on me an angry glance, as if I were in fault. 她怒悻悻地瞥了我一眼,仿佛这是我的过错。