

2017-09-29    05'55''

主播: TeacherGwen

1372 37

每日听写9.25-29(选)中级职场英语口语 Hello, welcome back to the offices of Citrus Ventures! 大家好,欢迎回到Citrus Ventures办公室! Anna's presentation to Mr Lime and his colleagues continues...Well, almost! 安娜正在继续向Lime先生和他的同事做报告。好吧,几乎是这样! Her computer has jammed and the presentation, along with her notes, are frozen. 她的电脑死机了,而且幻灯片演示和她的笔记都不能看了。 Oh no, this is terrible! 不,这太倒霉了! Anna, you're going to have to manage without the slideshow or notes. Just talk! 安娜,你必须要在没有幻灯片或笔记的情况下完成了。开口说就行了! Just talk! Just talk! You just talk! 开口说就行了!开口说就行了!你才是只会说风凉话! What on earth am I going to say? My mind is blank. 我到底要说什么?我脑子一片空白。 Try to remember the key points you wanted to share, and give them one by one. 试着想想你要分享的重点,一个个说给他们听。 If you can, give some facts that support each point. 如果可以的话,每个论点都给出一些支持它的事实。 For example: Tip Top Trading is growing fast – our number of clients doubled last year. 例如:Tip Top Trading正在飞速成长,去年我们的客户数量增加了一倍。 Use phrases like this: The company has a strong track record of...Let me share with you... 比如用这种表达方式:我们公司以往的……业绩很好。让我给你们介绍一下…… The Imperial Lemon's key strengths are... 皇家柠檬的主要优点在于…… OK.Sorry about that, I'll just have to continue talking without the slideshow. So.... 好的。对此感到抱歉,我会继续在没有幻灯片的情况下讲下去。所以…… Go on, give it a try! 继续,试试吧。 Right, thanks. I'll try. 好的,谢谢,我试试。 Erm, excuse me Tom. Sorry about earlier. 打扰了汤姆,我对之前感到抱歉。 I’m a little nervous about leading this strategy thing and I would be most grateful if you could give me some help… please? 关于负责这项计划的事我感到有点紧张,如果你能给我一些帮助的话,我会非常感激……拜托了。 Of course Anna. Why didn’t you say, I’d be delighted. 当然了,安娜。为什么你之前不说呢,我会很高兴的。 I’ve lost count of the number of projects I’ve lead over the years. 我都记不清这几年我都负责过多少这种项目了呢。 Great, thanks. So… where do you think I should begin? 太棒了,谢谢你。那么……我应该从哪开始着手呢? Well, give me a few minutes and I’ll just find some of the excellent work I did last year. 给我几分钟,让我给你找找去年我完成的几项出色的项目。 Basically, you’ll just need to copy it. Hold on… 基本上你只要拿去复印一下就好了。等一下…… Ah Anna… just popping out for some biscuits… err, how’s the stock management strategy coming along? 安娜……出来吃点心吧……库存管理系统的方案你做的怎么样了? Oh very good Paul… actually, please could I ask you for some advice, please? 一切顺利,保罗……不过,你能给我点建议吗? Yes of course… although I don’t know if I’ll be much use! 没问题,虽然我不知道我的建议到底有没有用! … now where did I save those damn documents? 我到底把那些该死的文件存哪了? I’m very grateful for this opportunity but I’m a little unsure of where to start. 我很感激您能给我这次机会,不过我还不是太清楚到底该从哪开始。 Today I'm going to...Today I'm going to present our revolutionary, new Imperial Lemon. 今天,我将要……今天,我将要介绍我们革命性的新产品皇家柠檬。 I'll start by telling you a bit about Tip Top Trading and some of the exciting new developments at our company. 我首先将要向你们介绍一下Tip Top Trading公司和公司里一些有意思的新动向。 And then…I’m going to move on to explain how the Imperial Lemon is designed and what makes it so revolutionary. 然后我会说明皇家柠檬是如何设计的并且它的革新之处在哪里? And finally, you will all have a chance to see it close up for yourselves and ask questions. So, let's begin. 最后,你们将有机会近距离参观,并且提问。那么,我们开始吧。 This picture shows... 这张图片展示了…… Well, as usual, Anna seems to be turning a difficult situation into a success. 如往常一样,安娜似乎化险为夷了。 She used the phrases we discussed, which made her opening clear and well structured. 她用了我们讨论过的表达方式,这让她的开场清晰,有条理。 She said: Today I'm going to... 她说:今天我将要…… I'll start by...And then I'm going to move on to discuss… And finally... 我首先会……然后我将要谈到……最后…… But that's just the beginning, now she's got to get through the rest of the pitch – how will that go? 但这只是开头,现在她要完成剩下的销售演讲,接下来会如何呢? This picture shows…. oh no, why isn’t it working… 这张图是……不,为什么不灵了…… I should just click on this…. oh, what’s wrong with this stupid computer! 我应该点一下这个就行……这该死的电脑怎么了! Uh oh! It was all going so well but now Anna’s got computer problems. 本来进行得很好,但是现在安娜的电脑出了问题。 What is she going to do? 她要怎么办? We'll find out next time. Bye! 我们下次再来看看。再见! It's got Denise, who's there to assist, organise and sometimes make the tea... 这里的助理是丹尼斯,她负责组织协调工作,有时还负责茶水…… Oh sorry excuse me, here's your tea. Paul. 对不起,打扰一下,这是你的茶,保罗。 Thanks Denise. 谢谢,丹尼斯。 But goodness! She likes to talk... 但是上帝!她话很多…… Really! 'Denise do this! Denise do that!' I'm telling you Sharon, I've almost had enough! I get treated like I'm some kind of servant! 真是的!“丹尼斯做这个,丹尼斯做那个!”我跟你说莎伦,我快受够了!他们待我就像我是仆人一样! That's Denise! I think we'll just leave the office now and let them get on with their work. 这就是丹尼斯!我想我们现在要离开办公室了,让他们继续工作吧。 So that's Tip Top Trading. There are plenty of other people we'll meet along the way. 所以这就是Tip Top Trading。接下来我们还会遇见很多其他人。 So go on, why don't you join me for English at Work from bbclearningenglish. com. See ya! 所以加入我们的网站bbclearningenglish. com学习职场英语。再见! Hold tight please! 请抓紧了! This is Anna, on a bus going to an interview for a job as a sales executive at Tip Top Trading – one of London's fastest growing companies. 这是安娜,她在前往Tip Top Trading公司面试销售主管的公车上,Tip Top Trading是伦敦发展最快的公司之一。 How are you feeling Anna? 你感觉怎么样,安娜? Oh, a little nervous but I really want this job. 有点紧张,但是我很想得到这个工作。 Well don't worry Anna, as long as you say the right things, you'll be fine. 别担心,安娜,只要你说话无误就没问题。 The right things! ? Like what? 正确的事情?!比如什么? You need to sell yourself, be confident, not arrogant and give examples.Like: 你要宣传自己,自信,不傲慢还要有理有据。比如: A good example that comes to mind. 我想到了一个很好的例子。 I'm particularly proud of. 我特别自豪。 Time keeping is important to me. 守时对我来说很重要。 Oh right. Thanks. Perhaps you can come with me? 是的,谢谢。也许你能跟我一起? Sorry Anna, you're on your own now – but we'll be listening in. 对不起,安娜,现在你要自己去了,但是我们会听着的。 Look! You've just arrived. Good luck! 看!你正好到了。好运! Come in. Hello, I'm Paul, the Manager of Tip Top Trading. And you must be… It's Anna. 请进。你好,我是保罗。Tip Top Trading的经理,你肯定是……我是安娜。 Yes, very good. Thanks for coming. 是的,很好。感谢你能来。 Now somewhere in this pile, I've got your CV… 在这堆文件里,我有你的简历……
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