

2016-03-07    07'56''

主播: 每日听写

4523 121

如果movie 很无聊, 你可以这么说 Oh,my God! The movie was just like watching the grass grow= So boring 我的娘! 这电影简直就是在看草长长长。。。。 The movie could have been 1/3 the length if they would cut out the staring at each other and not saying a damn thing. 电影可以是原影片的三分之一,如果cut 掉大眼瞪小眼,而且啥都不说的那些镜头。 Just an absolute piece of shit. 简直就是一堆翔。。。 The only time I've ever left from a movie theatre in the middle of a film. 唯一一次中途退场的电影