Highlight Sports S05E01

Highlight Sports S05E01

2018-11-01    20'53''

主播: 中国传媒大学英语电台

7332 44

纵览体坛大事小情 荟萃实战运动技巧 亲临现场独家报导 尽在热血“高光体育” 乘美利坚劲爆篮球风,漫溯大不列颠炫酷足球潮,这是一档只关乎声音的全新体育栏目,Highlight Sports欢迎你的收听! High light Shot--- represented by Cathy&Colin TOKYO - Japanese table tennis(乒乓球) star Ai Fukuhara(福原爱) announced on Sunday that she is retiring from competition after almost 27 years of training experience. Many Chinese citizens sent best blessings to "Ai Jiang" on the Internet. So today, our program will tell more details about it. Let’s listen together! Big Bang--- represented by Matt&Tom Different players have their special gesture(动作) to show their passion for the games, Let's get into the the world of NBA star's various body language(肢体语言). Weekly Focus--- represented by ViVien&Molly Recently,Women's Volleyball World Championships had a perfect ending.Lang Ping(郎平) will select some excellent athletes for Chinese team.Maybe the next good blocker(拦截手) will appear.Let's listen to Vivien and Molly about specific show. The Great--- represented by Trista He is the control guard(控球后卫) in the court .He is regarded as the adorable(可爱的) god.He has a good command of(擅长) controlling.He is so cute.That is him—Steven Curry. Highlight Sports节目组 制片人:贡嘎旺久 Matt 主播:韩文轩 Colin 李文 ViVien 记者:Cathy 沈可心 Trista 朱艺博 Molly 包新慧 Tom 陈泓哲 后期:Cathy 沈可心 Trista 朱艺博 Molly 包新慧 Tom 陈泓哲 贡嘎旺久 Matt 总后期:贡嘎旺久 Matt 上传:贡嘎旺久 Matt 每周日晚,Highlight Sports期待您的收听~ Every Sunday night, we are waiting for you in Highlight Sports.