【Banana Hot Talk】S7E3 Sex trade, legal or not?

【Banana Hot Talk】S7E3 Sex trade, legal or not?

2017-03-29    52'17''

主播: 中国传媒大学英语电台

121 3

开车行走在街头巷尾,在一些灰色地带,偶然闪过一些穿着暴露,妆容妖艳的“street girls”,多数情况下,她们会对着开着车窗、缓缓驶过的你,摆出亲切妩媚的样子,她们便是这世界上“sex trader”的一份子。她们,或是他们,有过得躲躲藏藏,却也有些是合法得富丽堂皇。本期banana,就带你走近他们,看看世界上这些神秘的“工作者”们。 If you drive slowly in the street, you will see some girls, standing seductively in the dark corner. They may wave their hands, staring at you with a gracious smile. Usually, their clothes are colorful, so that you can easily be attracted . We call them "sex traders". Nowadays, sex traders have different living environments around the world. Today, we will lead you to their mysterious lives.