

2018-04-26    00'56''

主播: 流年の

6 0

When I get assigned a new show,I do what is called“a sketch model”in white paper,and you hold it up and you close one eye and you squint,and you can see just what the camera is gonna see.Color's really important in terms of establishing the show identity.When you switched to Friends,you saw that it was purple,and you stayed tuned. I definitely think that the coffee house on Friends sort of influenced our culture of where people like to meet and hang around.In the pilot,the moment when Rachel walks through the door in her wedding dress is a pivotable moment.Who knew that that was going to be the beginning of ten years of a No.1 show on television? Audiences relate to sitcoms because once you get to know the characters,you become invested in their story. 接到一部新剧的时候,我通常都会在白纸上做一个模型出来。把它立起来,然后闭上一只眼去窥视,你看到的就是摄影机会拍到的内容。颜色对于塑造这部剧的形象是非常重要的。当你切换到《老友记》的频道时,你就会看到那个紫色的墙,大家就会想追这部剧。 我真的觉得《老友记》中咖啡店的设定多多少少影响了人们对约会地点的偏好。试播集里,瑞秋穿着婚纱从门口进来的那一幕是极其重要的一刻。那会儿,谁能想到那一幕将成为一部十年王牌热播剧的开端呢?观众之所以会和情景喜剧产生共鸣,是因为一旦了解了这些角色,大家就会投入到他们的故事里。