

2018-03-15    00'59''

主播: 流年の

11 0

The six most common customer expectations!(1.)Friendliness.Greet me with a smile.Introduce yourself and offer me assistance.It really frustrates me if I'm not listened to.Ask appropriate ques- tions.Clarify if you're unsure.(2.)Empathize with the customer's situation.Thank them and offer a solution.(3.)Accuracy.Give the correct information.Know your products and provide next steps.(4.)Professionalism.Speak loud and clear.Speak slower and pause if necessary.(5.)Promptness.Have the information ready.Do not delay in providing an answer.(6.)Honesty.Tell the truth and be as honest as possible.Do not play the blame game. 最普通的消费者期待的六种服务态度!(1.) 友好。微笑接待顾客,自我介绍并且提供帮 助。如果顾客没有得到聆听,他将会感到十分 沮丧。询问合适的问题,遇到不确定的地方需 要确定、澄清。(2.)换位思考。感谢顾客并 且给予解决方案。(3.)准确性。提供准确的 信息,了解自己的产品并且提供后续步骤。 (4.)专业性。说话大声一点,清楚一点,但 要说得慢一些,并在必要时要停顿。(5.)时 效性。准备好需要的信息、资料,及时给予答 复。(6.)诚实。讲真话,并尽可能做到坦 诚。不要玩踢皮球的游戏,互相推卸责任。