

2018-03-01    01'11''

主播: 流年の

20 0

One great lesson is dying people are still living.You know,it's like,to realize it and see it as part of life,and to separate dying from being dead.Dying is these。final moments of life,and therefore are very potent,essential,really concentrated part of life,but it's part of life.That's(what)the first lesson is,alright,dying is part of the deal,and I'm still living when I'm dying. You start realizing that what makes anything precious except that it ends.So dying is what creates preciousness,what gives us the impulse to make meaning,because death proves life. You know you're alive because you're gonna die someday.Another big thrust of this is,what you learn is,time is short.So the decisions you make are of consequence.Delaying things that you love or want or seek,not calling grandma,whatever it is.You have no promise of tomorrow.So live your life today. 重要的是,面临死亡的人依然还活着。你要意识到这点,把面对死亡当作生命的一部分,区分即将死亡和已经死亡。死亡是生命最后的时光,这些时光是很强大的,很必要的,需要全力以赴的,依然是生命的一部分。首先我们要学习的就是,死亡是必不可少的一部分,虽然我即将死去,但是我依然活着。 你开始意识到,除了结束,还有什么能让事情变得珍贵?所以死去就是创造珍贵,给我们动力去创造意义,因为恰恰是死亡证明了生命。你知道你有一天终会死去,才会明白此时此刻你是活着的。另外重要的一点,也是你将会学到的,就是时光飞逝。因此你做的决定都是重要的。继续延长你爱的、你要的、你在寻找的事,比如没有给你奶奶打电话等等,无论什么事情都可以。没有人可以承诺明天,所以好好活在当下。