

2018-01-05    00'54''

主播: 流年の

12 0

Marriage can be tough,and we're all guilty of making mistakes...After all, it's only human.But despite what we may see on our favorite television sitcoms,the truth is there really is no such thing as a“perfect couple”.Arguments can be quite healthy for any relationship;letting off steam and telling your partner directly how their mistakes have bothered you is much more productive than bottling up your emotions. As a married couple,don't assume that one spouse is responsible for everything.Both partners should share responsibilities.Expecting one spouse to do it all is very unreasonable.I mean, if that's the case,why be married at all?You're a team,remember? 婚姻有时会很艰难,我们都会因为在婚姻中犯错而感到内疚,毕竟,人就是这样的。尽管我们会在电视剧中看到完美的婚姻,但真相是现实中没有这样的童话。有时候吵吵更健康,宣泄一下情绪,直接告诉对方你惹毛我了,要比掩盖自己的情绪更加有效。 夫妻之间不要觉得任何一方应该独自承担所有的事情,两个人应该分担责任,全部抛给对方是非常没有道理的。如果这样的话,还结婚干嘛?记住,你们是一个团队。
上一期: Magic phrases
下一期: 小句子大智慧