1229The White House

1229The White House

2017-12-29    00'41''

主播: 流年の

2 0

Hello everyone,and welcome to the White House.For more than 200 years,this building has served as a presidential residence and office,a setting for so much of our history and a symbol of America to the rest of the world. But the White House isn't simply a home to First Families or meeting space for world leaders.It's also known as The People's House,a place that should be opened to everyone. And that's why we've made it a priority to invite young people,military families,and Americans of all ages to join us here at the White House. 大家好,欢迎来到白宫。在过去200多年的岁月里,这幢建筑一直作为总统官邸和办公地,见证了我们的诸多历史,并成为美国在世人眼中的蒙征。 但是白宫不仅仅是第一家庭的住所,或是与各国领导人会面的场所,它同样也以“人民之家”所著称,一个应该向所有人开放的地方。这也是我们将“邀请年轻人、军眷、以及各年龄层的美国人来参观白宫”视为优先要务的原因。