

2017-10-11    00'52''

主播: 流年の

25 0

Well,on this program we often talk about the peaks and troughs of the commodities market,but as the writer Christopher Morley once said,"Words are a commodity in which there's never any slump." So,without any further ado,the word of the year as chosen by the New Oxford American Dictionary-"unfriend".Now,the verb means to remove someone as a "friend"on a social networking site,such as Facebook.An example:"I decided to unfriend Maggie after we fought over the last crumpet at the board meeting." 我们经常在节目中谈到商品市场的起起伏伏,但正如作家克里斯托弗·莫利曾经说过,“语言是从不跌价的商品”。 所以,话不多说,《新牛津美语词典》评选出的年度词汇就是——“删除好友”。现在,这个动词的意思是把某个人从你的社交网站删除,比如像“脸书”。举个例子,“我和麦琪在董事会议当中为了最后一块烤饼起了争执。随后我决定把她删除好友了。”