Beijing Film Academy

Beijing Film Academy

2014-01-21    04'46''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

603 74

China is currently the world's largest growing film market; The Beijing Film Academy enjoys not only a large population of domestic students but a growing amount of international students. The University also boasts a modern campus complex located in the Haidian district of Beijing. The Beijing Film Academy is the largest film academy in Asia. I decided to get a better look at the training grounds of China's future directors, producers and movie stars. "I have just arrived at the Beijing Film Academy, after coming of a very busy road I see a very old Chinese Style sign at the entrance of the University. What's quite complexing is that after you go past this rustic and very old fashioned looking sign you enter into what is a very modern campus. So I am now going to enter the University and begin exploring." After Entering the University my first impression is that it does not seem to be as big as some of the other major campuses in Beijing. It does however seem like it is very well put together and there is still a student vibe to the university and there are a lot of students on campus that I presume all seem to be rushing to class. "I have just walked up to the A and B building of the Beijing film academy. The A building is where they host all their professional classes. One of the special features of the A building that I have only just noticed is that the second floor of the A building seems to be an auditorium. There is a staircase that seems to lead to the auditorium from outside and from what I can understand it is designed to be a place for the students to look at the stars and relax in between heavy classes. I have found out behind there is an Apple store which is exclusively used by the students at the Beijing Film Academy. "Walking further forward I have just come to sports center of Beijing Film Academy. This does remind me of my recent trip to Tsinghua University. There are a lot of students here playing basketball in the blistering cold. This is a big part of the University culture in China, trying to keep your body fit as well as your mind clear." "As I pass the basketball court I have just approached what appears to be an Egyptian style temple in the middle of the Beijing Film Academy Campus, from what I understand this is quite a big part of the Beijing Film Academy, it gives them spiritual support for the classes they will have to take throughout the semester." "Walking to the next section of the Beijing Film Academy I have reached their private 3D cinema. A lot of films have private screenings of the Beijing film academy. It is important part of the University, one of the luxuries enjoyed by the students who attends here. As I walk past the 3D cinema I come to the 3D animation center of the University. There is a very comical cute looking statue which represents the type of animation that is studied in this building. From what I can see all the students that seem to be studying here seem to be very professional in regards to their work." "I have just walked up to the fourth floor of the animation building and I am looking at the digital film lab. A lot of the prop and set designs used for projects within the university are all designed in this very building and it is very aesthetically pleasing to watch." "I have just walked to the other side of the Beijing Film Academy campus to the department of cinematography. The interesting part about this section of the campus is that they have a restaurant called the movie story theme restaurant and bar. You don't actually have order anything to sit here. The restaurant was designed for students to meet up, talk about their homework, write screen plays, talk about story boarding etcetera." "One of the other famous aspects of the Beijing Film Academy is that the University is known for having a lot of beautiful female students. I have caught up with one of them to ask her about her thoughts towards the University Campus." "I am a student at the Directing program in the University. I really like this school, life here is really convenient, and because the school is so small everyone seems to know each other. The community within the campus feels very intimate. We also have many graduates that come back to the University to guide our progression. Learning about film is not something that can be done in the classroom; it requires you to have your own experiences in the right surroundings." Reflecting back on my day at Beijing Film Academy I would not recommend this university as an ideal tourist spot. It does not have the size and prestige of Tsinghua or Peking University. The university is however an ideal place for film lovers and people who enjoy looking at pretty girls. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience and would entertain the thought of returning there for light hearted walking in a vibrant surrounding.