【英音】癫痫司机引严重车祸 无期徒刑裁是非过错(有文稿)

【英音】癫痫司机引严重车祸 无期徒刑裁是非过错(有文稿)

2015-06-01    01'51''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

3309 246

请关注今天的微信头条查看全部文稿内容:搜索英语环球NEWSPlus A Chinese driver with epilepsy has been sentenced to life in prison for concealing his illness and causing a fatal accident that killed four people. The 45-year-old driver, surnamed Zuo, suffered an epileptic seizure when driving a car in downtown area in Yichang City in central China&`&s Hubei Province on May 1 last year. Without any premonition, the car suddenly veered to the opposite lane and ran into pedestrians under a bridge. The accident claimed four lives and injured eight others. According to Chinese law, those with epilepsy, vertigo, hysteria, mental disorder and Alzheimer&`&s are banned from getting a driver&`&s license. Those who deliberately conceal their illnesses will be punished if causing traffic accidents. Zuo has lodged an appeal. epilepsy n. 癫痫 即俗称的“羊角风”或“羊癫风”,是大脑神经元突发性异常放电,导致短暂的大脑功能障碍的一种慢性疾病。据中国最新流行病学资料显示,中国约有900万左右的癫痫患者,其中500-600万是活动性癫痫患者,同时每年新增癫痫患者约40万。在中国,癫痫已经成为神经科仅次于头痛的第二大常见病。 be sentenced to life in prison 被判终身监禁 被判某某刑罚可以套用be sentenced to …的句型,to后的部分有这几种常见形式:坐具体年数的牢(5 years in prison);终身监禁(life in prison)以及死刑(death)。 seizure n. 癫痫发作 premonition n. 预兆,预先警告 veer vi. 改变方向或路线 例句: If you are driving at a high speed and you suddenly veer toward a different direction, it’s very easy to cause an accident. Trust me, you can never be too careful. (假如你在高速行驶时突然改变方向,是很容易造成车祸的。相信我,小心驶得万年船。) vertigo n. 晕眩 眩晕是因机体对空间定位障碍而产生的一种动性或位置性错觉。眩晕可分为真性眩晕和假性眩晕。真性眩晕由眼、本体觉或前庭系统疾病引起,有明显的外物或自身旋转感。假性眩晕多由全身系统性疾病引起,患者感觉“飘飘荡荡”,没有明确转动感。 hysteria n. 癔症,歇斯底里 由精神刺激或不良暗示引起的一类神经精神障碍。大多发病突然,可出现感觉、运动和植物神经功能紊乱,或短暂的精神异常。患者具有鲜明的情感色彩,检查不能发现相应的器质性改变,在症状的发生和治疗当中,暗示和自我暗示常常起着重要的作用。 Alzheimer’s n. 即Alzheimer’s disease,以前叫老年痴呆症,后因需要保持政治正确而改名为音译的阿尔茨海默氏症。曾做过详细讲解,不再赘述。 lodge vt. 提出(要求、申诉等) 例句: If you want to lodge a formal complaint, please do it quickly. That way, you can still remember the details vividly, and your complaint will be taken more seriously. (如果你想正式投诉,请抓紧。这样的话,你还能清楚地记住细节,从而使你的投诉得到更多的重视。)