【星球荐歌】Free Little Bird

【星球荐歌】Free Little Bird

2018-11-02    07'21''

主播: 三明治童书研究所

5878 34

非常欢快的一首歌,有着诗一般的歌词。 歌词: I'm as free a little bird as I can be 我像一只小鸟般自由 I'm as free a little bird as I can be 我像一只小鸟般自由 Gonna build my nest in a big oak tree 我要在一棵高高的橡树上筑巢 Where no one can never bother me 在那里没人会打扰我 If I was a little fish 如果我是一条小鱼 I'd never bite a hook or a line 我永远不会咬住鱼钩 No I'd swim way out to the middle of the sea 我会游向大海 And leave all you big fish behind 然后把你们这些大鱼都甩在身后 If I was a mole in the ground 如果我是一只泥里的鼹鼠 If I was a mole in the ground 如果我是一只泥里的鼹鼠 I would roop that mountain down 我会把那座山挖平 If I was a mole in the ground 如果我是一只泥里的鼹鼠 I'm as free a little bird as I can be 我像一只小鸟般自由 I'm as free a little bird as I can be 我像一只小鸟般自由 Gonna build my nest in a big oak tree 我要在一棵高高的橡树上筑巢 Where no one can never bother me 在那里没人会打扰我 Take me home, little bird, take me home 带我回家吧,小鸟,带我回家 Take me home by the light of the moon 在月光中带我回家 With the moon shining bright 月光明亮 And the stars are getting light 星光闪烁 Take me home, little bird, take me home 带我回家吧,小鸟,带我回家 I'm as free a little bird as I can be 我像一只小鸟般自由 I'm as free a little bird as I can be 我像一只小鸟般自由 Gonna build my nest in a big oak tree 我要在一棵高高的橡树上筑巢 Where no one can never bother me 在那里没人会打扰我