2018-04-27    00'41''

主播: Jay🍊

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4-27麦克风打卡金句 It’s the first time he smiles at you. It’s the first time he picks you up for a date. It’s the first time you feel this way about someone. Every little thing he does warms your heart. It’s the first time you truly let your guard down. It’s the first time someone made you feel like the most important thing in the world. It’s a good feeling. It’s the first time you want to give more than you take, because his happiness is what makes you happiest. It’s the first time you feel like maybe..., just maybe you could be together forever. 他第一次对你笑;他第一次接你约会;你第一次对一个人有了这样的感觉。他做的每件小事都让你觉得暖心。你第一次真正卸下心防。第一次有人让你觉得你是世上最重要的人。那种感觉很棒。第一次你不计较付出与收获,因为他的快乐便是你最大的幸福。你第一次觉得没准、有可能你们会执手到永远。
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